The Sentinel-Record

Year of the Grinch Dear editor:


We all know by now that Christmas, as with all of our other holidays in 2020, will look different. Who would have known that all the Grinch would have had to do to cancel Christmas in Whoville would be to concoct some sort of a dangerous virus that throws a kink into everyone’s holiday plans?

We all know plenty of Grinches in our life, whether they be driving down Central Avenue or cutting in line at the local supermarke­t. I never understood these kinds of antics, as I always go by the logic of “we’ll get there when we get there.” Slow down, and enjoy the holiday season. Not enough people go by the theory of “pay it forward.”

We all know the Grinch learned the true meaning of Christmas in the end.

So, this year, more than ever, I believe we need that Christmas spirit. No Grinches, no Ebenezer Scrooges, just a whole lot of joy. Although this will be my first Christmas without my father, I will definitely have plenty of joy. I look back at all the fun times we had during the holiday times when I was a kid. We would go to a tree farm, cut down a live tree, and then decorate it. We would make hot chocolate and go caroling with our local church. I might have also snuck out one Christmas, because it was the rare event of a white Christmas here in Arkansas. ‘Til this day, I still enjoy decorating outside of our house because of the tradition that my father and I had of going outside together to decorate. It never was about the presents or the bows. These positive memories are what this Christmas, and many more will be about for me.

So, this Christmas, I implore you, if you don’t normally have Christmas cheer, please, this year, don’t be afraid to decorate. Pay it forward, tip your waiter/waitress a bit more this holiday season, and continue to wear our masks. Gather safely with friends and family to remember that this season all comes down to the fact that many, many years ago, there was a baby born in a manger because there was no room in the inn.

So, I say to you, merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, or happy holidays. We will get through this.

John Williams

Hot Springs

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