The Sentinel-Record

Trump, on tape, presses Ga. official to ‘find’ Trump votes



ATLANTA — President Donald Trump pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to “find” enough votes to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the state’s presidenti­al election, repeatedly citing disproven claims of fraud and raising the prospect of “criminal offense” if officials did not change the vote count, according to a recording of the conversati­on.

The phone call with Secretary of State Brad Raffensper­ger on Saturday was the latest step in an unpreceden­ted effort by a sitting president to pressure a state official to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election that he lost.

The president, who has refused to accept his loss to Democratic president-elect Biden, repeatedly argued that Raffensper­ger could change the certified results.

“All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have,” Trump said. “Because we won the state.”

Georgia counted its votes three times before certifying Biden’s win by a 11,779 margin, Raffensper­ger noted: “President Trump, we’ve had several lawsuits, and we’ve had to respond in court to the lawsuits and the contention­s. We don’t agree that you have won.”

Audio snippets of the conversati­on were first posted online by The Washington

Post. The Associated Press obtained the full audio of Trump’s conversati­on with Georgia officials from a person on the call. The AP has a policy of not amplifying disinforma­tion and unprov

en allegation­s. The AP will be posting the full audio as it annotates a transcript with fact check material.

Trump’s renewed interventi­on and the persistent and unfounded claims of fraud come nearly two weeks before he leaves office and two days before twin runoff elections in Georgia that will determine political control of the U.S. Senate.

The president used the hourlong conversati­on to tick through a list of claims about the election in Georgia, including that hundreds of thousands of ballots mysterious­ly appeared in Fulton County, which includes Atlanta. Officials have said there is no evidence of that happening.

The Georgia officials on the call are heard repeatedly pushing back against the president’s assertions, telling him that he’s relying on debunked theories and, in one case, selectivel­y edited video.

At another point in the conversati­on, Trump appeared to threaten Raffensper­ger and Ryan Germany, the secretary of state’s legal counsel, by suggesting both could be criminally liable if they failed to find that thousands of ballots in Fulton County had been illegally destroyed. There is no evidence to support Trump’s claim.

“That’s a criminal offense,” Trump says. “And you can’t let that happen.”

Others on the call included Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, and attorneys assisting Trump, including Washington lawyer Cleta Mitchell.

Democrats and a few Republican­s condemned Trump’s actions, while at least one Democrat urged a criminal investigat­ion. Legal experts said Trump’s behavior was extraordin­ary, and possibly illegal.

Biden senior adviser Bob Bauer called the recording “irrefutabl­e proof” of Trump pressuring and threatenin­g an official in his own party to “rescind a state’s lawful, certified vote count and fabricate another in its place.”

“It captures the whole, disgracefu­l story about Donald Trump’s assault on American democracy,” Bauer said.

Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in that chamber, said Trump’s conduct “merits nothing less than a criminal investigat­ion.”

Trump confirmed in a tweet Sunday that he had spoken with Raffensper­ger. The White House referred questions to Trump’s reelection campaign, which did not respond Sunday to an emailed request for comment. Raffensper­ger’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Trump has repeatedly attacked how Raffensper­ger conducted Georgia’s elections, claiming without evidence that the state’s 16 electoral votes were wrongly given to Biden.

“He has no clue!” Trump tweeted of Raffensper­ger, saying the state official “was unwilling, or unable” to answer questions.

Raffensper­ger’s Twitter response: “Respectful­ly, President Trump: What you’re saying is not true. The truth will come out.”

Various election officials across the country and Trump’s former attorney general, William Barr, have said there was no widespread fraud in the election. Republican governors in Arizona and Georgia, key battlegrou­nd states crucial to Biden’s victory, have also vouched for the integrity of their state elections. Nearly all the legal challenges from Trump and his allies have been dismissed by judges, including two tossed by the Supreme Court, which includes three Trump-nominated justices.

In Georgia, the ballots were counted three times, including a mandatory hand count and a Trump-requested recount.

Still, Trump has publicly disparaged the election, worrying Republican­s that may be discouragi­ng GOP voters from participat­ing in Tuesday’s runoffs pitting Sen. Kelly Loeffler against Democrat Raphael Warnock and Sen. David Perdue against Democrat Jon Ossoff.

Rebecca Green, who helps direct the election law program at William and Mary Law School, said that while it is appropriat­e for a candidate to question the outcome of an election, the processes for doing so for the presidenti­al election have run their course. States have certified their votes.

“It is unpreceden­ted, as far as I’m aware, for a sitting president or candidate to pressure officials in this way,” Green said of Trump’s telephone call.

Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond, said Trump is guilty of “reprehensi­ble and, possibly illegal, conduct.”

Trump noted on the call that he intended to repeat his claims about fraud at a Monday night rally in Dalton, a heavily Republican area in north Georgia.

“The people of Georgia are angry, the people of the country are angry,” he says on the recording.

Biden is also due to campaign in Georgia on Monday, and Vice President- elect Kamala Harris stumped in Garden City, Georgia, on Sunday, slamming Trump for the call.

 ?? The Associated Press ?? Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., clasp hands during a campaign rally Dec. 21, 2020, in Milton, Ga.
The Associated Press Sen. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Sen. Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., clasp hands during a campaign rally Dec. 21, 2020, in Milton, Ga.

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