The Sentinel-Record

You didn’t know Rush


Dear editor:

Doc, a dedicated liberal, knows as much about Rush Limbaugh as a duck knows about Christmas. Rush, of course, was syndicated on numerous mostly AM stations across the nation essentiall­y inventing Talk Radio. Truck drivers, mechanics, salesmen, farmers, constructi­on workers like electricia­ns, and workers of all types would search their AM dials to find him. He drew over a three-hour period approximat­ely 30 million listeners per day. That’s about as many as would listen to a major TV broadcast station.

This letter in a way ties in with my last letter about the longest-serving woman in Congress, Democrat Rep. Marcy Kaptur, who said Democrats only care about the elite, especially if they give big money. Doc displays the same type of elitism when he looks down his nose at Rush Listeners as mostly uneducated and unthoughtf­ul. Spoken like a typical elitist Democrat.

These, BTW, are the folks who put food on our tables, make sure the lights go on when you flip the switch, fix your car and make everyone’s life better in so many ways, but years ago began to think politician­s in Washington did not care about them. Rush was the first to understand them and not only talk about them but every day talked to them and let them vent and tried to tell them what they might do about it. Odd as it may seem, he would tell his screener if the caller was a liberal to move them to the front of the line. It challenged him to debate someone with half his brain tied behind his back as he would jokingly say. Long before a politician named Trump ran and appealed to them, Rush knew them and spoke to their concerns. I’m sure he would have loved to have gotten an elitist like Doc on.

He was the most astute political commentato­r of his or anybody’s time. What Democrats really hated about him was his ability to take someone’s long-held beliefs, very hard to change, and if they’d listen for a month or two they’d call in and say something like: Rush, I thought I’d hate you but listened and pretty soon I found myself agreeing with much of what you said. That’s why Democrat politician­s really hated him; he was so good he could convert people.

Doc, stick to poetry or whatever it is you do; you know nothing about Rush or his audience.

Larry Bauer Hot Springs Village

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