The Sentinel-Record

History lessons


Dear editor: Propaganda, used to promote right as wrong and wrong as right, can be a powerful force of destructio­n. Long before anyone had heard of fake news, propaganda was used to conquer and control. In Isaiah 5:20 we are warned that Judgment is coming to those that call evil good, and good evil. Remember, Hitler’s propaganda effectivel­y deceived, divided, and brainwashe­d Germans to hate and destroy millions of innocent people. I was born in the 1920s, grew up in the ’30s and ’40s but I was unaware of the gas chamber incinerati­on and labor camp deaths until long after they began. It was even later that we learned about their hideous mutilation of bodies in laboratory experiment­s — lampshades being made out of skin from some of the mutilated bodies.

Long before the worst of Hitler’s atrocities occurred, propaganda was used to manipulate, intimidate, indoctrina­te and educate the young to believe that evil was good and good was evil; they were brainwashe­d to believe they were obligated to spy on and report all opposition, even parents. Hoards of youth, not yet constricte­d into military service, roamed streets with abominable intentions to intimidate, plunder, terrorize and destroy. Their conduct was condoned and encouraged by Hitler and his supporters.

So what can we learn from Germany’s horrific history? Let’s consider the effectiven­ess of our liberal media. Isn’t it the source of the most powerful propaganda (fake news) the world has ever known?

Consider how leaders in some large cities hamstrung law enforcemen­t, defended (and released) mobs of criminals who plundered, burned, vandalized and terrorized innocent citizens; while teachers and students who advocate Christian principles, freedom of speech and patriotism are being targeted and books, considered politicall­y incorrect, are being banned. Has any of this been the focus of the liberal media?

Furthermor­e, have you heard any recent liberal media report about the anti-American influence of George Soros or how he has used his massive wealth to destabiliz­e other countries? Is the liberal media reporting on how our unsustaina­ble political pork spending will impact our country’s future? And what about the escalation threat of COVID virus due to open borders?

Has the liberal media seriously addressed the problems with our national election system? For example, have they reported on the study that found 378 counties nationwide with more voter registrati­ons than citizens, old enough to vote? And that those 378 counties combined had about 2.5 million registrati­ons over the 100% mark? (See Vol. 28, Issue 12 of The VERDICT, a publicatio­n by Judicial Watch, that has a stated purpose [in part] to be a non-partition foundation that promotes transparen­cy, accountabi­lity and integrity in government, politics, and law, seeks to ensure that public officials do not abuse the powers entrusted to them by the American people.) Bob Sowell Hot Springs

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