The Sentinel-Record

Biden quietly shelves quick denucleari­zation

- David Ignatius

WASHINGTON — As President Joe Biden’s list of foreign challenges grows, he has quietly shelved his predecesso­r’s hopes for prompt denucleari­zation by North Korea.

“The likelihood of North Korea giving up nuclear weapons is close to zero” right now, says a senior administra­tion official. Instead, the administra­tion is seeking interim “way stations,” such as halting weapons proliferat­ion and checking developmen­t of new delivery systems, such as submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

The recognitio­n that North Korean denucleari­zation is, for now, an unreachabl­e goal comes as the Biden administra­tion is swamped with other major foreign policy issues. Biden this week announced a quick withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanista­n, imposed tough new sanctions against Russia and began indirect nuclear talks with Iran.

North Korea has taken a back seat amid these other front-burner dilemmas. But the long-range danger posed by North Korea’s nuclear program is likely to be an important topic when Biden meets Friday with Japan’s new prime minister, Yoshihide Suga.

The Suga visit is Biden’s first White House meeting with a foreign leader and a sign that, as the senior official put it, “We cannot be successful in Asia if the U.S.-Japan relationsh­ip is weak.” Biden hopes to establish rapport with a leader who, like him, served a long apprentice­ship as the No. 2 official in his government and was widely underestim­ated politicall­y.

Suga is bringing some welcome pledges to the meeting. He is expected to propose a $2 billion investment in 5G communicat­ions technologi­es that could provide an alternativ­e to China’s Huawei, and he’ll offer what U.S. officials say is the most significan­t commitment on climate change yet by any U.S. ally.

Biden set the nonconfron­tational tone on North Korea at his March 25 news conference, when he was asked about Pyongyang’s short-range missile tests the previous week. He said that the United States would respond “if they choose to escalate,” but that he was ready for “diplomacy … conditione­d upon the end result of denucleari­zation.”

Biden’s stance, suggesting that denucleari­zation was an eventual goal, not an immediate one, was repeated in a joint U.S.-Japanese-South Korean statement on April 2, which called for progress “towards denucleari­zation.”

Biden’s muted approach reflects the failure of former president Donald Trump’s high-visibility campaign for denucleari­zation — which moved from threatenin­g “fire and fury” against Pyongyang, to a showy summit in Singapore to “love letters” exchanged with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Kim basked in personal attention from Trump, and he undoubtedl­y hoped it would continue in a second term. But after Biden won in November, Pyongyang tried to maintain continuity. Kim announced in January that the fraternal, if hollow, Singapore statement should be the baseline for U.S.-North Korean relations.

Kim sent Biden a reminder of North Korea’s military strength with missile tests in late March, but even that message was restrained. The party newspaper carried the story on Page 2, with the front page displaying routine articles about city planning and transporta­tion, according to Robert Carlin, a former intelligen­ce analyst who is one of America’s top experts on North Korea. That was a “deliberate signal” of restraint, Carlin told me.

Carlin argues that the Biden administra­tion needs to speak directly with North Korea, even if it recognizes that there’s little chance for any breakthrou­gh in denucleari­zation. “We do need lines of communicat­ion opened up, we do need to be talking and listening to them on a regular basis,” he said.

The Biden administra­tion has messaged North Korea that it is reviewing U.S. policy and that it “will be prepared to engage,” the senior official said. But Pyongyang hasn’t responded yet.

Biden’s approach to foreign policy seems to be solving one problem at a time. He decided to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanista­n, ending an almost 20-year headache at some risk to the homeland, but an enormous relief to a war-weary country. He’s begun addressing Iran, seeking a “compliance for compliance” deal that would reimpose limits on its nuclear program and ease U.S. sanctions. And he’s trying to balance penalties against Russia with diplomacy, through a proposed summit with President Vladimir Putin.

Lowering expectatio­ns on what’s achievable now with North Korea makes sense, but it’s not a policy. Biden needs a formula that balances competing interests — tough enough to bolster Japan, but not so aggressive that it frightens South Korea. Just matching Trump’s success in getting North Korea to stop its nuclear testing would be an achievemen­t.

North Korea seems to be in the “too hard” folder for now. But one thing we’ve learned about Kim is that he doesn’t like to be ignored for long.

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