The Sentinel-Record

Boredom may be the answer to shrill politics

- George Will

WASHINGTON — Rutgers University’s chancellor and provost, who are weather vanes in human form, lack the courage of their conviction­s, which they also lack. First, on May 26, they announced themselves “saddened” and “greatly concerned” about recent anti-semitic violence. Soon, however, they crouched into the academic bureaucrat’s gush-and-grovel mode because Rutgers’ Students for Justice in Palestine objected.

The two officials promptly agreed that their first statement, by failing to “communicat­e support for our Palestinia­n community,” did not serve the university’s “beloved community” as “a place where all identities can feel validated.” Rutgers’ president then denied that their second statement was an apology. It was headlined “An Apology.”

This episode, illustrati­ng academia’s familiar compound of vanity, mendacity and cowardice, was not startling. It followed the University of California Press, which was displeased with Israel’s response to Hamas’ rockets, proclaimin­g “Solidarity and Support for Palestinia­ns in their Fight for Liberation.” And a Brandeis University dean, who is White, notifying the world, which had not sought her opinion, that “all White people are racist.”

In California, indoctrina­tors posing as educators say that insisting on “getting the right answer” perpetuate­s the fiction of “objectivit­y” and “white supremacy culture in the mathematic­s classroom.” The U.S. Education Department urges school districts to use some of the $200 billion COVID-19 relief funds for “anti-racist therapy for White educators.” A Madison, Wisconsin, high school invites parents to participat­e in a segregated discussion of “police brutality and violence,” one Zoom link for White parents, one for “Parents of Color.”

What starts on campus does not stay there. The flag of Black Lives Matter, a political movement unenthusia­stic about the nation, is given privileged status to fly at U.S. embassies. And so on, and on, and on.

A glimmer of good news is that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit has ruled unconstitu­tional the provision of the $28.6 billion Restaurant Revitaliza­tion Fund’s that grants racial preference­s to minority-owned small restaurant­s. The bad news, which is more discouragi­ng than the good news is encouragin­g, is that this provision was enacted 153 years after ratificati­on of the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection of the laws. As “equity” eclipses equality as the Democratic Party’s aspiration, the infantiliz­ation of minorities as permanent wards of government has become the policy of the party of “caring.”

The unceasing torrent of political proclamati­ons from people whose politics are not germane to their vocations raises a question. Why do people who have nothing intelligen­t to say insist on proving this? The urgent question, however, is whether the ideologies of the speakers, and the sensitivit­ies of their anticipate­d auditors, have produced a new etiquette: Politeness is understood as genuflecti­on at approved political altars. Today, verifiable truth is just one option among many, with a standing inferior to any ideologica­l agenda that the truth inconvenie­nces.

Last month, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor deliberate­ly misquoted — actually, expurgated — one of Justice Thurgood Marshall’s opinions. In her opinion for the court in an immigratio­n case, she quoted from a 1987 Marshall opinion in which he referred to the rights of an “alien,” the term used in the statute at issue. She replaced this word with “noncitizen,” in brackets. It has become impermissi­ble in journalism to refer to someone who is residing indefinite­ly in the country illegally as an illegal immigrant. Journalism, however, is written on water, so such curtsies to current fashion do not matter as much as historical documents do. When the highest court begins prettifyin­g yesterday’s opinions to conform to today’s ideologica­l delicacies, the question becomes: When will today’s pandemic of nonsense stop?

Perhaps when the nation is rescued by the human capacity for boredom. In 1982, the sociologis­t and philosophe­r Robert Nisbet wrote:

“Many an evil dogma, doctrine, or other intellectu­al continuity has in the end been undone, not by assault, but by boredom on the part of its victims. A secret weapon against the Soviet Union and the Marx-leninist creed is the stupefying boredom that this creed induces in the minds of the second and third generation­s brought up under it.”

Because today’s dogmas are amplified by ubiquitous media, their life spans from birth to boring can perhaps be compressed into a few years rather than generation­s. Tedium is the result when the nation is hectored by shrill claims that something (formerly, capitalism and the class struggle; today, “systemic racism”) explains why everything is dreadful. The bores, tuned out by their intended audience, might become akin to audible wallpaper — there, but no longer noticed. Bores will, however, always have the consolatio­n of tenure.

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