The Sentinel-Record

Stoking division


Dear editor:

Mr. Stamps stated he was hesitant to address race and the hypocrisy of those perpetuati­ng racial division. Yes, people may be treated inconsiste­ntly based on skin color — I don’t know. I haven’t seen it yet. I can tell you this, I have been treated unfairly by other races myself.

I am a male white teacher (yes, I am an evil white male as stated by BLM and their cronies) who has worked in a majority Black school for 17 years. You stated this happens on a daily basis. I treat all of my students — Black, white, Hispanic — equally in my classroom. You point to the institutio­ns of banking, media, education (remember, I am an educator), business, entertainm­ent, religion (not sure about this one), law enforcemen­t and the judicial system without providing very specific facts to support your statements. Essentiall­y, you are jumping into the fray as a stoker of division by doing so.

Please point to it in our city and county as you claim — I would like to know. I do everything in my power to help all of my students, not just the white ones, and am respectful of all cultures. If you consider Jan. 6 an insurrecti­on, what do you consider the riots led by groups like BLM while our country’s leaders (I use the term loosely) turned their backs? I am curious. Then you get personal — calling people Christians but not a believer of Jesus Christ and his Biblical word. You also refer to the “religious right” in a derogatory manner, of which I am one. Some things, as you mention, in our legal system may need some work — but again — please provide specifics instead of stoking division.

Our country has made a lot of mistakes but also great strides to correct them. Finally, you mention CRT (Critical Race Theory) and I am not sure why unless you are jumping on the bandwagon. You are right — CRT is not taught in my school, but we (our teachers) have been subject to profession­al developmen­t indirectly on CRT. Please get your facts straight; provide specific examples, and ways to solve your accusation­s, I would love to hear them. Oh yes, while I am a teacher at a majority Black school, I am first and foremost a Christian and a Believer of Jesus Christ and His word. Does this mean perfection — no — He was the only perfect human.

Barry White

Hot Springs

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