The Sentinel-Record

Pelosi was right to visit Taiwan

- Marc A. Thiessen

WASHINGTON — Taiwan welcomed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-calif., this week by lighting up the island democracy’s tallest building with the words: “Thank you.” It is a sentiment that should be echoed by every freedom-loving American.

I disagree with Pelosi on almost everything, but she has long been a leader for the cause of freedom in China. In the 1990s, when I worked on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Clinton administra­tion wanted to give Communist China permanent “most favored nation” trade status, which would pave the way for China’s admission into the World

Trade Organizati­on. My boss at the time, committee Chairman Jesse Helms, R-N.C. — one of the most conservati­ve members of the Senate — teamed up with Pelosi to fight it.

Even though she was opposing the president of her own party, Pelosi did not mince words. “President [Clinton] is even saying that China is moving toward becoming a thriving democracy,” Pelosi thundered in 1998. “Yet, he ignores the continued pattern of repression … by the Chinese government.” She also accused Clinton of seeking “special trade status for a nation that proliferat­es weapons of mass destructio­n, maintains trade barriers that bar U.S. products from its market, and continues to arrest, detain, exile or harass those who peacefully express their political or religious beliefs.”

Clinton won that battle. But history has proven Pelosi right. Our policy of economic engagement with China has been a catastroph­ic failure. U.S. investment has not helped China become a “thriving democracy.” To the contrary, it has become even more despotic and repressive. U.S. investment has enriched China, giving Beijing the resources to build a massive military arsenal with which to challenge U.S. hegemony in the Pacific. Worse, many U.S. corporatio­ns doing business in China effectivel­y act as foreign agents of the Chinese Communist regime, lobbying Congress on its behalf. Iconic American companies such as Apple, Coca-cola and Nike lobbied against the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act — legislatio­n that Pelosi shepherded through Congress — which bans imported goods made with labor by enslaved people. If China invades Taiwan, and the United States tries to impose the same kinds of sanctions on Beijing that we have imposed on Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine, you can bet U.S. corporatio­ns will be fighting those sanctions on China’s behalf.

While Red China becomes more totalitari­an, another Chinese society has become a thriving democracy — the Republic of China on Taiwan. And China’s belligeren­ce against Taiwan is growing. In October, China flew a record number of fighters and bombers

into Taiwan’s air defense zone — the largest Chinese air force incursion ever against Taiwan. In January, as Vladimir Putin massed forces along Ukraine’s border, China made another major incursion into Taiwanese territory. In May, Beijing did it again. Chinese dictator Xi Jinping has warned that he will not allow the issue of Taiwan reunificat­ion with mainland China “to be passed down from one generation to the next.”

This is why Pelosi’s trip was so important. President Joe Biden has projected weakness on Taiwan. After declaring that the United States would defend Taiwan if Communist China invades, Biden sheepishly backtracke­d, saying there had been no change in our policy of “strategic ambiguity.” Then, after news of Pelosi’s plans leaked, Biden publicly wrung his hands, musing about how the Pentagon opposed her trip. Sorry, in America the generals don’t get to tell our elected leaders where and when they can travel.

Biden’s public confirmati­on of Pelosi’s plans gave Beijing the opportunit­y to test our resolve. The Chinese foreign ministry warned that “[t] hose who play with fire will perish by it.” A commentato­r and former editor-in-chief of a Chinese state newspaper, Global Times, was even more explicit, threatenin­g that China could “shoot down Pelosi’s plane.” If the speaker had backed down in the face of these threats, it would have signaled weakness.

Instead, by defying Biden, the Pentagon and China’s dictator, Pelosi sent a sorely needed message of strength on the world stage. The first visit to Taiwan by a U.S. House speaker in 25 years lays down an important marker: China cannot bully the speaker of the House, and it cannot bully the United States.

At the start of her congressio­nal career, Pelosi went to Beijing and unfurled a democracy banner in Tiananmen Square, where the Chinese Communist Party had recently massacred thousands of civilians demanding their freedom. Now, in the twilight of her career, she has once again defied Beijing and stood with the free people of Taiwan — sending a clear message that the United States will not allow China to crush their freedom as well.

Good for her.

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