The Sentinel-Record

A step backward


March 10 Austin American-Statesman

Gov. Greg Abbott characteri­zes his attack on diversity, equity and inclusion policies as a way to protect Texans against raced- based hiring and the creep of socalled “woke” liberal ideologies, but the governor is either missing the point or deliberate­ly misleading Texans.

In a state which has historical­ly struggled to rectify the lingering effects of racism and the lack of diversity in its state-level workforce, dialing back diversity, equity and inclusion — or DEI — policies would be a significan­t and unnecessar­y step backward.

In a Feb. 4 memo to state agencies and public universiti­es, Gardner Pate, Abbott’s chief of staff, cautioned against using DEI policies. He said funding them with state money runs afoul of federal law, a claim disputed by some legal experts who contend there is nothing unlawful about ensuring the broadest cross-section of applicants is considered for jobs or promotion. Still, Abbott’s warning was enough for university systems including the University of Texas, Texas Tech University, Texas A&M, the University of Houston and Texas State University to announce they are pausing or reviewing their DEI policies to ensure they pass legal muster.

Abbott’s false characteri­zation of DEI as race-based hiring notwithsta­nding, DEI policies do not promote hiring less qualified candidates because they have a certain skin color, sexual orientatio­n, disability or other distinguis­hing characteri­stic. The policies are simply intended to give those who have historical­ly been underrepre­sented or discrimina­ted against equal footing in the job market.

The February memo from the governor’s chief of staff said DEI “has been manipulate­d to push policies that expressly favor some demographi­c groups to the detriment of others,” which many have interprete­d to mean white people are losing out on opportunit­ies because of their race. The notion that respected universiti­es are hiring black or brown job candidates strictly based on race is offensive, Angela Valenzuela, a professor in the University of Texas’ Department of Educationa­l Leadership and Policy, told our Editorial Board.

“It’s absurd, and it’s also harmful because it suggests that those of us who are here are here because of that,” Valenzuela said. “To suggest that we are here because we are members of a certain demographi­c is not only untrue, it’s hurtful.”

Abbott told the Houston Chronicle last week that DEI policies are part of a larger effort to “purge conservati­ve thought.” That is another false characteri­zation. DEI does not advocate indoctrina­ting students, government employees or anyone else with liberal orthodoxy. Instead, it allows different perspectiv­es to be respectful­ly heard and promotes a sense of belonging and inclusion.

DEI concepts are not new; they have roots in the civil rights movement. But they took on renewed urgency after George Floyd’s murder at the hands of a white Minneapoli­s police officer in 2020. The murder sparked a national debate on the role of race in American life, and organizati­ons in business, government, academia and other sectors began to rightfully reexamine their hiring and employment policies to ensure fairness for all. More recently, conservati­ve Republican politician­s such as Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis have made DEI a red-meat political issue, pushing back on the policies with unfounded, ugly claims suggesting qualified white job candidates will lose out on opportunit­ies because of the policies.

That is not to say there isn’t potential for overreach in the implementa­tion of DEI policies. Texas Tech University is reviewing its DEI policies in part because of complaints that one department closely scrutinize­d job candidates over their knowledge of DEI. The DEI concept, and certainly the abbreviati­on, are still unfamiliar to many, evidence that some still have much to learn on the subject.

In his interview with the Chronicle, Abbott said his administra­tion supports diversity, but his attack on programs that foster it suggest otherwise. The governor should back up his words and leave the state’s DEI programs alone. Instead of seeking to dial back DEI policies, Abbott should dial back his inflammato­ry rhetoric, which seeks to pit groups against each other on the premise that one group is being wronged at the expense of others.

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