The Sentinel-Record

Dietary pitfalls to avoid


A balanced diet and routine exercise are the recipe for a healthy lifestyle. Such an approach can help a person maintain a healthy weight and even avoid many illnesses.

People tend to be creatures of habit, and that includes poor dietary habits. Familiar foods and methods of cooking may be holding people back as they pursue their health and fitness goals. According to John Foreyt, PH.D., director of the Baylor College of Medicine, people tend to be sceptical about dietary changes because they have grown accustomed to the way they eat or drink — with a fear of the unknown. Reassessin­g dietary habits and recognizin­g room for improvemen­t can put people back on the right path. The following are some poor habits to break or even avoid.

Mindless snacking

People reach for foods for plenty of reasons other than being hungry. Eating can be a respite from boredom or done out of habit. Some people snack while engaging in tasks and may be eating without thinking of how much they are actually consuming. Some find comfort through food, meaning they reach for snacks when they are angry, sad or even upbeat.

Eating without giving much thought to why and how much you eat can lead to overeating. People also may be consuming well above the recommende­d amount of certain ingredient­s, including sodium. The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion says the average American consumes about 3,400 mg of sodium a day, which is well above the 2,300 mg per day recommende­d limit.

Less healthy cooking methods

Even healthy foods may not be as beneficial when people cook them in an unhealthy way. WEBMD advises individual­s to avoid frying or using added oil on foods when cooking, as grilling, roasting, baking, or poaching help reduce the fat content. However, some people are brought up on foods that are deep-fried and that is all they know. The Cleveland Clinic says more than two-thirds of heart disease-related deaths worldwide can be linked to food choices. Making healthier decisions is a small step in changing direction.

Large portion sizes

Many people mix up portion and serving definition­s as they plan meals. According to the Mayo Clinic, a serving is an exact measure of food, while a portion is the amount put on a plate. Individual­s can adhere to serving sizes when eating so they do not consume more calories, sugar and sodium than is healthy. Manufactur­ers and restaurant­s could contribute to the problem. Even individual­ly portioned foods frequently contain multiple servings. Restaurant­s often serve portions that can satisfy two or more diners.

Sugary beverages

It is not just foods that can derail dietary efforts, but beverages as well. Some people may overindulg­e in sugary beverages that may tip them over recommende­d calorie counts for the day. A typical 12-ounce can of soda can contain about 150 calories and 40 grams of sugar, says the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The American Heart Associatio­n recommends no more than 36 grams of added sugar per day. Replacing sugary drinks (including fruit juices) with water or unsweetene­d tea can be a big improvemen­t.

Poor dietary habits can compromise efforts to live a long and healthy life. Identifyin­g poor eating habits and making an effort to overcome them can help people get on a healthy track.

 ?? Submitted photo ?? WEBMD advises individual­s to avoid frying or using added oil on foods when cooking, as grilling, roasting, baking, or poaching help reduce the fat content.
Submitted photo WEBMD advises individual­s to avoid frying or using added oil on foods when cooking, as grilling, roasting, baking, or poaching help reduce the fat content.

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