The Sentinel-Record

The right to repair


State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, recently broke the charging port in his cell phone. (We won’t ask him how.) But when the manufactur­er told him the part could not be repaired, he had no option but to buy a new phone. The replacemen­t was more than a thousand dollars. …

But as more and more products include proprietar­y parts, especially software, manufactur­ers have increasing­ly forced consumers to come to them for repairs and updates — or, as in the case of Mr. Conklin’s phone, to replace the product entirely.

SB 744 would require makers of “digital electronic equipment to make available to owners and independen­t repair providers, on fair and reasonable terms, documentat­ion, parts and tools used to diagnose, maintain and repair digital electronic equipment.”

This is a good first step — and is worth passing into law — but the Senate’s proposal, sponsored by Mike Regan, R-Cumberland, can and should go further.

The legislatio­n exempts some of the worst right-to-repair offenders: medical devices and agricultur­al equipment.

Medical devices may seem like a logical exception — after all, you don’t want a non-expert tinkering with an MRI machine before getting a scan. But during the COVID pandemic, onerous requiremen­ts that devices like ventilator­s be serviced only by the manufactur­er kept many life-saving devices offline. Designing devices that can be fixed by anyone with the proper training on the ground could be a matter of life and death.

As for agricultur­al equipment, behemoths like John Deere have made big profits by forcing farmers — who used to be the ultimate tinkerers — to pay for expensive, exclusive maintenanc­e. High-tech tractors will even lock out their owners until a manufactur­er’s representa­tive puts in the right code to get back to harvesting. In an industry where a day’s delay can mean spoiling a year of work, the right to repair is essential.

After the manufactur­er declined to fix his charging port, Mr. Conklin should have had the right to see if anyone else could fix it, saving him money and the landfill from electronic waste. If you can’t get something repaired on your own, did you ever really own it to begin with?

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