The Pilot News - The Shopper

No peace on Earth for visiting dogs and cats

- (c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: My aunt and uncle insist on bringing their toy poodle, Frank, to the family gathering at my house this Christmas. The trouble is that my cat, Maximilian, cannot stand any dog. Especially Frank. Last year, Maxi chased Frank all around the house and scratched his snout pretty badly. I know they’re going to bring Frank aga in , because they bring him everywhere. I don’t want to tell them not to come. How can I have peace in the house this holiday? -- Shane in Hyde Park, New York

DEAR SHANE: I’m already envisionin­g your aunt and uncle as the sort who let their poodle run rampant throughout the house, clambering on laps and begging for bits of food under the table, right? And they want everyone to think of Frank as a charming little guy.

Maxi’s aggression toward Frank isn’t surprising. Cats are territoria­l, and most instinctiv­ely don’t like dogs. Some barely tolerate other cats. Frank’s presence is very stressful for Maxi, and one visit a year will not help the two become more socialized.

Since Frank is coming to the party no matter what, you need to concentrat­e on reducing Maxi’s stress and plan for ways to keep him comfortabl­e and away from the poodle. Designate a room in your house as Maxi’s refuge on the day of the family gathering. Place his bedding, toys, food and water in it and keep him there during the event. What if the gathering takes place over two or more days? You’ll need to talk with your aunt and uncle and work out a schedule so that Maxi can roam the house while Frank is placed in a room, and vice versa. How do you deal with multiple pets at holiday gatherings? Tell us at ask@

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