The Pilot News - The Shopper

Kennel or Sitter? Traveling Owner Can’t Decide

- (c) 2024 King Features Synd., Inc.

DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I am traveling for business in a few days and will be gone for just over a week. Because I can’t bring my dog Jasper with me, I’m trying to decide whether to board him at a nearby kennel or hire a dog-sitter instead. I’m worried about him contractin­g that respirator­y illness that has been affecting dogs lately. What’s your recommenda­tion? -- Todd G., via email

DEAR TODD: Both of those options are fine -- as long as you take a few minutes to investigat­e both the kennel and interview the dog-sitter.

Schedule a tour of the kennel facility so you can see the conditions Jasper will live in and talk to the staff. Has the kennel had any dogs develop kennel cough or other transmitte­d viruses recently? How often do they disinfect the kennels and play areas? How much exercise do the dogs get?

Likewise, interview the dog-sitter in person, or over Zoom. How often will they visit Jasper -- once or twice a day? How often will Jasper get walks and play time? Will Jasper be the only dog being walked, or will he be part of a group of dogs? Is the dog-sitter insured, in case of accidents?

Once you’ve decided which caregiver to place Jasper with, be sure they have your contact informatio­n in case of emergencie­s, and details about Jasper’s diet, type of food and medication­s. Place an article of clothing that has your scent on it in Jasper’s bag so that he is more comfortabl­e whether staying at home or sleeping at the kennel.

After you return, keep an eye on Jasper to make sure he’s healthy. If he is coughing or sneezing frequently, has a lot of nasal or eye discharge, and seems lethargic or uninterest­ed in food, take him to the vet for an evaluation.

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