The Pilot News - The Shopper

Leveling Up: Walking With Multiple Dogs


DEAR PAW’S CORNER: I walk my neighbors’ dogs every day after school. It takes time because I have to walk one dog at a time, then go to the next house, and then the third one. I’d like to make this job a little more efficient by walking all three dogs at the same time. What’s the best way to do this? -- Colin R., Smyrna, Georgia

DEAR COLIN: I can see your dilemma! Walking three dogs separately takes at least one hour, probably two, when you add in the time spent accessing each home, leashing up the dogs and unleashing.

It is possible to walk all three dogs at once, but you have to do two important things first: One, get permission from each neighbor to walk the dogs together, and two, make sure the dogs will get along before you commit.

You may be able to only walk two of them together and the third one alone. And if the neighbors don’t agree, then you’re stuck walking all three separately.

If you do get permission to walk them together, do it on a trial basis. Here are a few tips from profession­al dog walkers:

-- Don’t use retractabl­e leashes when walking multiple dogs. You need full control at all times.

-- Leashes can easily get tangled; hold two in one hand and one in the other, or buy a 3-way leash coupler to minimize tangles.

-- If one or more dogs gets aggressive or bullying, walk them separately to prevent the problem from getting worse.

-- Avoid walking them in areas where a lot of other dogs are present. If all three bolt toward another dog, you may not be able to hang on to them.

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