The Signal

Trump, Cruz to face off


LOS ANGELES (AP) — California’s Republican Party convention will be an early test for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich in a state whose June election could hold the decisive delegates in the fight for the party’s presidenti­al nomination.

Trump, who has seized front-runner status as a political outsider, will be speaking Friday outside San Francisco to hundreds of longtime GOP insiders — the activists, grassroots organizers and elected officials who make up the core of the state party. Kasich also speaks Friday, while Cruz and his choice for running mate, Carly Fiorina, speak Saturday.

The reception Trump in particular receives will be noteworthy: the billionair­e businessma­n known for his boisterous public rallies rarely speaks to Republican establishm­ent groups, and has railed against what he calls a rigged party system that governs the nomination.

He arrives in California after a sweep of Tuesday’s primaries, but has also faced questions about his electabili­ty in November and his conservati­ve bona fides.

The behind-the-scenes cajoling could be as important as the speeches. The candidates and their allies are seeking to galvanize supporters, sway undecided party members or poach from rival campaigns.

“It’s going to be a free-forall,” predicted state party vice chairman Harmeet Dhillon.

The tableau will be remarkable for a state whose end-of-the-line primary on June 7 has often been ignored, coming far after the nomination­s were locked up.

But this year it’s possible that California, home to the largest trove of delegates, could provide the margin to anoint nominees in both major parties.

The convention crowd defies expectatio­n in a state known as a Democratic fortress. There have been pushes toward moderation, but the group tends toward conservati­ve leanings and favors calls for a strong national defense, free markets, tax cuts and shrinking the size of government. It’s also socially conservati­ve: the state party’s platform defines marriage as between one man and one woman, and wants Roe v. Wade reversed.

Trump opposes abortion but has spoken favorably about Planned Parenthood. He has warned against cutting into Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, often targets for conservati­ves who want to slow government spending. When Trump earlier this month said transgende­r people should be able to use whichever bathroom they choose, Cruz’s campaign released a statement saying Trump was “no different from politicall­y correct leftist elites.” The California platform endorses free markets; Trump has long criticized U.S. trade policy and advocated steep tariffs on Chinese goods.

How Trump fares this weekend could be an indicator of his fortunes on June 7. The event marks an unofficial kick-off for the California race, which will award 172 delegates — a rich trove in the race for the 1,237 required to clinch the GOP presidenti­al nomination. Currently, Trump has 994 delegates, Cruz has 566 and Kasich has 153, according to the AP’s delegate count.

The contest in the nation’s most populous state — Los Angeles County alone has more people than Michigan — is vastly complicate­d, playing out in what amounts to 54 separate races on a single day — one in every congressio­nal district and one statewide.

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