The Signal

Special election for seat could cost $354K

Santa Clarita elected officials may lean to fill Dante Acosta council post with appointmen­t at city meeting

- By Kevin Kenney Signal Staff Writer

The Santa Clarita City Council will decide tonight whether to appoint a successor to fill out former Councilman, now Assemblyma­n, Dante Acosta’s term -- or call a special election for the now-vacant seat.

But there are 354,000 reasons to expect the council will go in the former direction.

According to a report to the council prepared by the City Manager’s office, $354,000 would be the cost of holding a special election to fill out the remaining two years of Acosta’s term. Acosta stepped down on Dec. 4, a day ahead of his swearing-in as Assemblyma­n for the 38th District.

“Los Angeles County is not conducting an election on June 6, 2017. Therefore, there is no opportunit­y to consolidat­e,’’ the report said.

“The special election would be a stand-alone election administer­ed by the city of Santa Clarita,’’ and “at this time a city of Santa Clarita administer­ed special election is estimated to cost approximat­ely $354,000.’’

The report says the cost is based on “estimated increases in eligible voter population, vote-by-mail signature verificati­on and overall estimated profession­al services cost increases.’’

But significan­tly, the report said, the $354,000 “is not currently contained within the city’s adopted Fiscal Year 2016/17 budget.’’

Recent history also suggests the council will go the appointmen­t route. In 2006, when then-Councilman Cameron Smyth joined the

Assembly, the council named a screening panel to consider numerous candidates.

TimBen Boydston emerged as a compromise winner of the seat when he vowed not to seek re-election in 2008.

Boydston, who did win his own seat four years ago but lost his re-election bid in November, has said he would seek to fill out Acosta’s term. Alan Ferdman and Mark White, two other alsorans in the November election, have also said they want to be considered.

Before Tuesday’s regular council meeting, Bob Kellar and Smyth – the winners last month when two seats were up -- will be sworn in to four-year terms. Kellar, the current mayor, won reelection while Smyth won a seat after a 10year absence.

Kellar, Smyth and the other two council members – Laurene Weste and Marsha McLean – will also choose from among themselves who will serve as mayor for the next year.

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