The Signal



▪ “A convenient way to measure oil and not have to wash out the measuring cup: Mark a glass jar with kitchen labels for 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 and 1 cup quantities. So easy.” -- J.K. in Vermont

▪ “After baking cookies, place a half to a whole piece of any kind of bread in with them. Even if the cookies were made a couple of days before, it will really soften them right up. It works every time.”

– N.O. in Colorado

▪ “Recently, my cellphone got wet and had to take a rest in a bag of rice for a day. It turned out OK, but I was reminded during that day off from having a smartphone that gone are the days when we know all our friends and family members’ phone numbers by heart. Take a minute to fill out a good old-fashioned address book, or write a list of your most important numbers so that you’ll always be able to access them.”

– JoAnn

▪ Give kids a garden: Grab a container (a large flowerpot, or even a baby pool that has a hole in it), and let the kids fill it with soil and plants. Then they can decorate it with small toys to make a wonderland. Maybe it will be a miniature forest for fairies, or an off-road truck race track. It’s good to get kids outside being creative.

▪ “We recently lengthened the pull chain for our ceiling light to accommodat­e our 7-yearold. To remind him to “use a light touch,” we taped a colorful feather to the end. He uses his fingertips to pull the chain so he won’t crush the feather instead of getting a fistful. It’s working!”

– L.O. in Florida

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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