The Signal

Impeach Trump? Not a chance

- Brian BAKER Brian Baker is a Saugus resident.

Our family is very politicall­y aware (and fortunatel­y for us and family comity, all conservati­ves), and as everyone with a pulse knows, virtually from Inaugurati­on Day there have been calls for President Trump’s impeachmen­t.

The hysteria seems to be reaching a crescendo recently, dominating news coverage, and as a result I received an email the other day from one of the younger members of our clan, a Millennial: “Hello there! “What do you think the odds are of Trump getting impeached? That’s all I see in my news feed now! “Brett R.” To answer Brett’s question, I think the odds of that are pretty much zero.

First of all, you’ve got to understand that the “news” feed is all pretty much just biased – and I mean to a point I’ve never before seen in my lifetime – agenda-driven rubbish.

But to the legalities, there has to be actual “cause” for impeachmen­t. Per the Constituti­on, that means “high crimes or misdemeano­rs.” So what crimes or misdemeano­rs has Trump actually committed? None that I can think of.

Then there’s political reality. Impeachmen­t takes place in the House, and conviction takes place in the Senate and requires a 2/3 vote of the Senators to do so and remove him from office. Both the House and the Senate are controlled by the GOP. So, what are the odds of any of that actually happening?

Then there’s precedent. Only two sitting presidents have ever been impeached: Andrew Johnson and “Quick-Zipper Bill” Clinton. Neither was convicted.

Johnson’s impeachmen­t was purely politicall­y motivated, based on his Reconstruc­tion policies, and his conviction was one vote shy. Clinton actually had committed a crime – perjury – and yet wasn’t convicted in the Senate.

So, particular­ly in light of Pantsuit Hillary’s federal felonious actions with her email rig and the failure to indict her, I can’t see any way an actual impeachmen­t takes place.

Another political reality. I think impeaching Trump would actually benefit him. We saw the same dynamic when Billy-Bubba was impeached: his popularity actually increased. I think the same dynamic would inure to Trump.

There’s a very large percentage of people in this country who are simply fed up with the SOP of how both major parties have been conducting business over the last few decades. Trump’s election is the embodiment of that frustratio­n. Impeaching him … the consequenc­es of that could be beyond imaginatio­n.

All these impeachmen­t noises are being made by left-wing radicals spouting sound bites for public consumptio­n and effect – people like Maxine Waters and “Nancy the Red” Pelosi. It’s become Dem/ socialist SOP to act like silly, spoiled children.

And all the while they’re doing it they’re losing actual political power all across the country with the exception of a few blue coastal states like Commieforn­ia and Taxachusse­tts.

I see this as simply political Kabuki from the American socialists. Think about it. If Trump’s impeached and convicted, that doesn’t roll back the election clock and make the Pantsuit Lady president. Mike Pence becomes president! They know that as well as I do.

And that would be about the worst thing that could happen to them and their agenda, because he’s as clean as a whistle and a great conservati­ve. It would absolutely crush their political aspiration­s.

The whole point of this impeachmen­t drivel is to try to keep Trump off balance and to delegitimi­ze him in order to try to weaken him. An actual impeachmen­t would be a huge strategic error on their part.

Like I said, I think the chances are pretty much zero.

I think impeaching Trump would actually benefit him.

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