The Signal

On the failed health care legislatio­n


Iteach, as an adjunct professor, in the Masters of Taxation program at Cal State Northridge. Last Saturday’s class covered the 3.8 percent tax on investment income also called the “Obamacare tax.” This tax is imposed on the investment income of households making more than $250,000. The mechanics of the computatio­n are complex to ensure that only people making more than $250,000 are taxed and that the tax only applies to certain categories of income above that threshold.

The final slide in the presentati­on stated that these provisions would be retroactiv­ely repealed by the American Healthcare Act (“AHCA”). One of my students asked whether this is the tax that pays for Medicaid.

It is apparent that the AHCA is really nothing more than a large tax cut for the wealthy, accompanie­d by huge cuts in Medicaid funding. The remainder of the provisions fail to make the substantiv­e reforms required to improve the quality of our health care system and contain its runaway costs.

By global standards, our system is by far the most expensive, and for many, the quality of care is substantiv­ely less than that afforded to citizens in other countries. This is the result of undue legislativ­e influence of health-care providers, pharmaceut­ical companies and the health insurance industry.

We should not resort to a single-payer system. But we do need to employ a structure used by other countries where insurance is a component to their health care delivery. We need to include everyone in a unified risk pool and base insurance costs on that pool so that insurance pricing is not discrimina­tory against the sick.

Merely allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines does not accomplish meaningful reform because it merely aggregates a number of small higher-risk pools into larger higher-risk pools with similar demographi­cs. Until risk pool demographi­cs change, costs to participan­ts will not improve.

You cannot ask the insurance companies to do this without mandating participat­ion by all. I realize that a segment of the right opposes such mandates on purported constituti­onal grounds, but the economic reality is that mandated participat­ion is necessary to allow everyone to have affordable health care. If we do not employ this structure, the political groundswel­l will ultimately result in a single-payer system.

Volume pricing for medical services and prescripti­on drugs for everyone in the single pool is essential for cost containmen­t. Other countries obtain quantity discounts by employing volume pricing strategies.

Conversely, ours is a fragmented system where smaller segments of the market negotiate prices individual­ly. This is one of the drivers of health care cost increases — particular­ly the cost of pharmaceut­icals and new technology, which is a larger component of total medical costs every year.

The FDA is the world’s de facto consumer protection mechanism. We have an extremely rigorous process to approve new drugs. It costs $1 billion to bring a drug to market in the U.S., and it is U.S. consumers who bear this cost. Foreign government­s typically postpone approval until a drug receives FDA approval.

Since the pharmaceut­ical companies do not spend as much money obtaining approval in foreign jurisdicti­ons, they sell drugs cheaper overseas. We need to find a way to spread the approval costs globally. Volume pricing discounts are probably our best bet to accomplish this.

Having a fragmented healthcare delivery system not only affects the pricing of health care, but it significan­tly increases administra­tive costs. A centralize­d delivery platform will streamline the administra­tive process, reducing providers’ costs while eliminatin­g the red tape patients experience managing claims.

Many of the complaints about Obamacare are the result of structural flaws which are the inevitable consequenc­es of lobbying by special interests.

Republican­s have complained about Obamacare for years. America hoped that the GOP had a solution that would improve the system. Clearly they do not.

Republican­s seek to gut the system by eliminatin­g subsidies for our poorest people—many of whom are too sick to work fulltime. Yet tax subsidies remain for employer-sponsored plans and those who can afford to fund health savings accounts.

My fear is that, if the Democrats come to power, they are likely to propose a single-payer system that will not properly address the health care needs of our country.

Perhaps where this ultimately will end is that we will have a single centralize­d basic mediocre health-care system in which everyone will participat­e that provides a safety net for those who cannot afford insurance. Those who can afford insurance would be able to get better care without taxpayer subsidy.

It is truly a shame that we cannot think outside of the box to create a world-class healthcare system that would be the envy of the world. The window of opportunit­y to do so is rapidly closing.

Jim de Bree is a retired CPA who resides in Valencia.

It is truly a shame that we cannot think outside of the box to create a world-class health-care system.

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