The Signal

3 locals sign on to run for City Council

- By Gina Ender Signal Staff Writer

The next city council election is not until November 2018, but that has not stopped three Santa Clarita residents from submitting their forms declaring their intention to run.

As of 16 months before Santa Clarita locals check their ballots to fill three council seats, Councilwom­an Marsha McLean, Councilman Bill Miranda and local activist Logan Smith have filed their paperwork to run in the next election.

While Smith is a newcomer to candidacy, he’s no stranger to political conversati­ons in the Santa Clarita Valley. It’s not uncommon to see Smith at rallies and events, and even last week, using public comment time at a city council meeting.

Though Smith recognizes this election as nonpartisa­n, he draws some knowledge and inspiratio­n from state and national campaigns he’s involved himself in as field representa­tive and endorser.

“It helps to see what other campaigns are doing on a larger scale,” Smith said.

It’s important to start this early to gain name recognitio­n and start fundraisin­g, he said. Residents will only spend so much money on campaigns, according to Smith, so it’s important to familiariz­e them with his own campaign and knock on doors before they’re burned out next year.

“It’s going to help that we’re going to get ahead of the pack,” Smith.

Seeking to run a “people-powered” campaign, Smith said he does not want to attack any of his opponents or devalue any of members of the current council.

He said he anticipate­s his greatest challenge will be winning against incumbents.

McLean is the only one of the group who has run in a city council election before, having been first elected in 2002 and again in 2006, 2010 and 2014.

The long-time councilmem­ber, currently serving in the third-longest running seat on the council behind Councilwom­an Laurene Weste and Councilman Bob Kellar, has served the city as mayor in 2007, 2011 and 2015.

Best known for her advocacy to protect Elsmere Canyon, McLean has said on many occasions that she considers herself an environmen­talist.

McLean was not available comment.

The newest member of Santa Clarita’s council, Miranda may run in his first election next November after being appointed to the council in January.

Filing the intent form was “just in case,” he said, and he’s still thinking about it, but said he would be happy to

for run.

“Absolutely, I’d be looking forward to it,” Miranda said. “It’s an opportunit­y to see what I can do, to separate myself from everybody else and to highlight not only my background but my time on the council.”

Miranda filled the seat vacated by now-Assemblyma­n Dante Acosta in an appointmen­t process that screened 50 residents for the spot.

“It would be a more rewarding process,” Miranda said about competing in an election.

The rookie councilmem­ber said he anticipate­s there will be a lot of candidates come 2018, but has a “the more the merrier” view about it.

In his six months as a council member, Miranda has been most vocal about his support for affordable housing for senior citizens.

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