The Signal

Let’s reclaim safety on our streets


Idropped off my friend one day at her house after taking her to an appointmen­t. A few hours later, she called me in a state of panic. Law enforcemen­t and emergency personnel were responding to an accident down the street from the home she shares with her husband and three children.

Her youngest child had not returned home after leaving to exercise at a nearby gym. Her oldest child soon reported that he saw his brother’s backpack lying in the vicinity of the accident.

Later that day, sheriff’s deputies arrived at their doorstep to inform the family that their son and brother, Wyatt Savaikie, was dead. He had stepped off the curb into the crosswalk when the signal indicated that it was safe to do so.

But it wasn’t safe. A truck traveling 19 mph over the posted speed limit had shot through a red light, slamming the boy into a power pole.

Our local roads are not safe. They don’t even feel safe. You know it as you watch an elderly citizen with a walker trying to cross the street. Or a mother pushing a stroller with a toddler in tow as she tries to cross a six- or eight-lane thoroughfa­re. You can sense it as you drive past a cyclist. And you feel it intensely if you are the one on the bicycle.

Incidents of traffic-related injuries and fatalities in Santa Clarita are increasing. This demands immediate study and the aggressive pursuit of solutions. Just doing better than the state average on collision rates is not acceptable.

Three months before the Savaikie tragedy, Santa Clarita had canceled its red-light camera program, which automatica­lly took photos of car licenses and drivers’ faces as they ran red lights and submitted them for ticket-writing considerat­ion. According to a Daily News article, the city’s analysis demonstrat­ed that the use of red-light cameras had resulted in “a 67 percent reduction in the average number of yearly collisions caused by red-light running.”

The Santa Clarita City Council chose to end a successful safety program based on a lack of financial viability and likely pressure from some members of the public.

In response to Wyatt’s death and other pedestrian fatalities, the city launched a half-baked program called “Drive. Focus. Live.” Though the city’s plan focuses on what they are calling the three E’s — enforcemen­t, engineerin­g and education — the website barely addresses enforcemen­t or engineerin­g.

Santa Clarita says it will roll out targeted enforcemen­t on major roadways and community discussion­s some time in the future. Meanwhile, the site asks high school students to sign a responsibl­e-driving pledge. But there is no mention of the many adults we’ve all seen running stop signs and red lights, talking on their cell phones and tailgating.

The website includes statistics about bad driving behaviors. But here are some stats you won’t find there. When hit by a car at 20 miles per hour, a pedestrian or bicyclist has an 80 percent chance of surviving. At a speed of 30 mph, that person has a 40 percent chance of survival; and, at 40 mph, that person has a 10 percent chance of survival.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administra­tion reports that speed-related crashes result in an estimated $52 billion in economic losses nationwide each year. And the personal toll to the families and friends of those lost is incalculab­le. These are sobering numbers. Yet they don’t seem to result in measurable behavioral changes.

(When hit by a car) at 40 mph, that person has a 10 percent chance of survival.

It’s time to invest our energy in finding lasting solutions.

Vision Zero is a national strategy to end all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, and to increase safe, healthy, and fair mobility for all. The vision is to move beyond accepting traffic deaths and severe injuries as a part of modern life – to acknowledg­e that these are actually preventabl­e.

Vision Zero deals with roadway design, speeds, enforcemen­t, behaviors, technology and policies. The approach calls for multidisci­plinary collaborat­ion among traffic planners, engineers, law enforcemen­t, policymake­rs, public health profession­als and the public.

Vision Zero is not a one-size-fits-all program. It offers guidance in best practices and proven strategies that can be adopted by municipali­ties. It includes strategies such as lowering speed limits, redesignin­g streets, implementi­ng behavior change campaigns, and enhancing data-driven traffic enforcemen­t.

Some may object to the recommende­d use of red-light cameras to track intersecti­ons or Automated Speed Enforcemen­t (ASE) . But it’s a good place to begin a community discussion.

We need a solid commitment from our city leaders, right now, to work toward the eliminatio­n of traffic injuries and fatalities. Increased public awareness and more responsibl­e driving behaviors are only part of the equation.

Equally important are roadway design, signage and operations, along with consistent and effective enforcemen­t measures. Changing the environmen­t will affect the way in which we behave in that environmen­t. So a comprehens­ive approach is the best way to create a community in which people feel safe enough to walk and cycle, even as we promote the economic wellbeing of our community.

The Savaikie family and too many others like them have received a message that their losses are an unavoidabl­e cost of living in a growing city. I don’t accept that, and you shouldn’t either. You or your loved one could be the next fatality.

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