The Signal

Today in history


Today is Friday, January 5, the fifth day of 2018 and the 16th day of winter.

On this date in the SCV: In 1989, The Signal reported that City Council members asked the Southern California Associatio­n of Government­s (SCAQ) to expand its report which studied and made recommenda­tions for traffic problems in the SCV. The council also moved to write a letter to Los Angeles County protesting their decision to re-zone the SCV and the Antelope Valley into one ambulance service zone. Project manager for SCAG, Dr. Bijan Yarjani, presented several maps and charts to demonstate how their recommenda­tions could alleviate traffic problems. Congested streets were marked in red on the maps with one map showing a city full of red streets if their suggested improvemen­ts were not followed. “The current system doesn’t look very good,” said Yarjani. “You see red all over.” SCAG’s report predicted critical problems for SCV traffic by the year 1995, only to worsen by the year 2010. The population in the SCV was predicted to increase by 124 percent by the year 2010 with the increase in retail and non-retail jobs being 350 percent.

Today’s Highlights in History:

In 1781, British naval forces led by Brig. Gen. Benedict

Arnold captured and burned Richmond, Virginia. In 1914, Ford Motor Co. raised basic wages from $2.40 for a

nine-hour day to $5 for an eight-hour day. In 1933, constructi­on began on the Golden Gate Bridge in

San Francisco Bay. In 1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower announced that the U.S. would intervene militarily and economical­ly at the request of other nations in response to the spread of communism. In 2005, the dwarf planet Eris was discovered.

Today’s fact: The safety razor was one of the first disposable products ever made.

Today’s sports: In 2004, Pete Rose admitted to gambling on baseball games while serving as manager of the Cincinnati Reds.

Today’s number: 1,672 – performanc­es in the original run of “The Wiz,” an adaptation of “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” at the Majestic Theatre and the Broadway Theatre in New York, after premiering this day in 1975.

Today’s moon: Between full moon (Jan. 1) and last quarter moon (Jan. 8).

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