The Signal

More states want to be exempted from drilling

- Ledyard King USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – Coastal states opposed to drilling off their shorelines clamored to be excluded from the Trump administra­tion’s massive oil and gas expansion plan less than a day after Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced he would exempt Florida because of its “unique” status.

The “us, too” chorus included officials from California, Delaware, New York, Oregon, New Jersey, Virginia and Washington who are eager to make their case to Zinke like Florida GOP Gov. Rick Scott did in a face-to-face meeting Tuesday in Tallahasse­e.

“We’d like a word,” Democratic Gov.elect Ralph Northam of Virginia tweeted.

“I’m going to request a meeting with @SecretaryZ­inke to discuss the Trump Administra­tion’s offshore drilling plan — and the risks that offshore drilling pose to #Delaware, the state’s natural resources, and our tourism economy,” John Carney, the Democratic governor of Delaware, chimed in on Twitter.

“New York doesn’t want drilling off our coast either,” Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo tweeted. “Where do we sign up for a waiver @SecretaryZ­inke?”

Zinke announced last week that he proposed opening 90% of the Outer Continenta­l Shelf off the U.S. coast — including Florida — to oil and gas exploratio­n in the largest single expansion of offshore drilling activity.

The drilling plan, covering 2019 to 2024, includes 47 potential lease sales in 25 of the 26 areas identified as potential drilling regions: 19 sales off the coast of Alaska, seven in the Pacific region, 12 in the Gulf of Mexico, and nine in the Atlantic region.

Zinke called it a starting point and said the process to come up with a final list “will take months,” involving public hearings and meetings with stakeholde­rs. The secretary said his agency would work with states and members of Congress who represent coastal communitie­s to allay concerns.

He moved quickly on Florida after pushback from a number of state officials, including Scott, a Trump confidant and likely Senate candidate this year, who said he would oppose drilling off Florida’s coasts where tourism and coastal military installati­ons are important to the state’s economy.

After flying to Tallahasse­e to see the governor whom he praised as “a straightfo­rward leader that can be trusted,” Zinke announced he removed Florida from considerat­ion because Scott convinced him “Florida is unique, and its coasts are heavily reliant on tourism as an economic driver.”

That spurred a pitch from Democratic Attorney General Xavier Becerra of California, who tweeted that his state also is “unique” and relies heavily on beach tourism.

Heather Swift, a spokeswoma­n for Zinke, said the secretary is willing to listen to other governors — and frequently does on a host of agency-related issues — but the Sunshine State presented a singular set of circumstan­ces.

“It’s not appropriat­e to transfer his comments on Florida to other states,” she wrote in an email.

The decision to exclude Florida smelled like “a political stunt,” Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said Wednesday.

 ?? EUGENE GARCIA/EPA-EFE ?? The Trump administra­tion announced plans to expand oil and gas exploratio­n in U.S. coastal waters.
EUGENE GARCIA/EPA-EFE The Trump administra­tion announced plans to expand oil and gas exploratio­n in U.S. coastal waters.

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