The Signal


Lindsey Vonn has built an Olympic career on a simple lifelong passion: ‘I love going fast’

- Nancy Armour USA TODAY

Speed. It’s what captivated Lindsey Vonn when she was a little girl in Minnesota, even if the hills she was skiing then were more molehills than mountains. It’s what propelled her to the pinnacle of her sport, arguably the greatest ski racer of all time.

And it’s what keeps bringing her back, despite all the injuries and long having had nothing more to prove.

“I love going fast,” Vonn said, her joy unmistakab­le as she grinned and let out a big laugh. “When I moved out to Colorado, I was always the person trying to beat all the other kids and going fast.

“It’s fun. Going fast is fun. Every time I get to do a downhill or I’m going fast, I get to the bottom and I’m smil- ing. I’m grinning ear to ear because it’s just so invigorati­ng. You feel so alive and so fresh and so free.”

Vonn is doing a lot of grinning these days, heading into the Pyeongchan­g Olympics on one of the hottest streaks of her career. She has won five of her last eight races, including both downhills over the weekend in Garmisch, Germany, and now needs five wins to match Ingemar Stenmark’s all-time World Cup record.

“It has really been the exact preparatio­n that I was hoping for going into South Korea,” Vonn told the Associated Press after Sunday’s win.

Push a snowball down a mountain and it will find the fastest, most direct route to the bottom. It’s called the fall

line, and in ski racing, the objective is to hew as close to it as possible while maintainin­g control.

It takes technique and skill, of course. But it takes guts, too, the steely resolve to hold that line when sanity and self-preservati­on say to back off, to take the foot off the throttle, even if only for a millisecon­d.

“It’s not something you can teach, that mentality,” said Picabo Street, the 1998 Olympic champion in super-G. “You can’t teach someone to love that fall line, to try and be in it as much of the time as possible and seek that out constantly.”

Because for as big a rush as it is, it’s an even bigger risk.

Orthopedic residents or physical therapists could make a semester-long case study of Vonn’s injuries. Arm. Finger. Head. Back. Knee. Knee again. Shin. The other knee. There are very few parts of her body that have not been broken, shattered or bruised.

The injuries have cost her big chunks of the previous four seasons, to say nothing of a few more Olympic medals. She finished eighth in the downhill in Torino, two days after she was airlifted to a hospital after a scary crash in training. She missed the Sochi Olympics after reinjuring her knee about six weeks before the Games.

Even in Vancouver, where she won gold in the downhill and bronze in the super-G, she skied with a bruised shin.

“I don’t look at it and think, ‘Wow, I’m so unlucky,’ ” Vonn said. “I think: ‘Wow, I’ve worked really hard. I’m a very strong person and I’ve overcome a lot.’ So I don’t look at it as a negative.”

It’s that strength that might be her most enduring legacy.

“Every time she’s been injured, she’s tackled that injury like it was another event,” said Tiger Shaw, a twotime Olympian who is president and CEO of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Associatio­n. “Many months of long, painful recoveries, a tremendous amount of physical rehab and physical therapy. Her ability to overcome that is extraordin­ary.”

But the power and confidence she presents off the snow has made an impact, too.

Vonn grew up idolizing Street, whom she met for the first time when she was 9 and who became a mentor and a friend. As Vonn’s career blossomed, Street recommende­d that she find some way to pay her success forward.

It’s a way to widen the bubble that eventually closes in all star athletes — especially those who achieve the level of crossover fame Vonn has.

“After a while, you start to go: ‘OK, hang on. This is a little too much. Let me put my sunglasses on and turn around and see who I can share this with,’ ” Street said.

Vonn started the Lindsey Vonn Foundation, which supports girls and young women through scholarshi­ps, camps and speaker series.

“She’s made it cool to be strong and beautiful,” Street said. She hasn’t been alone in that but, whew, she’s made a big impact.”

Strip away the records and the celebrity, and what’s left is what enchanted Vonn all those years ago.

“I just wanted to ski fast. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do,” Vonn said. “When I was a kid, I wasn’t the coolest kid. I wasn’t the popular kid. I was just the kid that was always on the mountain.”

 ?? SERGEI BELSKI/USA TODAY SPORTS ?? Vonn heads into the Pyeongchan­g Olympics on a white-hot winning streak.
SERGEI BELSKI/USA TODAY SPORTS Vonn heads into the Pyeongchan­g Olympics on a white-hot winning streak.
 ??  ??
 ?? USA TODAY ?? The Lindsey Vonn Foundation supports young women through education and athletics.
USA TODAY The Lindsey Vonn Foundation supports young women through education and athletics.

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