The Signal

Letters to the EDITOR


Issues of the heart

As a Bible-believing Christian, I feel compelled to offer a response to Gary Morrison’s letter, that was featured in the Tuesday’s copy of The Signal newspaper. Specifical­ly I wanted to address his comment where he said, “If the god you pray to, had any interest in stopping these events, and if he is as all knowing and all powerful, and all loving, they wouldn’t be happening.”

I’m not sure how much biblical knowledge Mr. Morrison has, but the Bible, (which I believe to be God’s complete and inerrant Word) is consistent­ly clear that he gave us free will and that we’ve all been stained with original sin. Clearly we’re not all as bad as each other through human eyes. We don’t all commit murder but Jesus actually took it to a whole new level when He said, if we’ve ever hated anyone its the same as murder to a holy and righteous God. So God doesn’t grade on the curve. Humanism teaches that we’re born basically good whereas God’s Word says we’re all born basically bad — that the human heart is deceptivel­y wicked and intent on evil.

A trajectory throughout the Old and the New Testament is that God grieves at our human sin and that ultimately our eternal address, (heaven or hell) is going to be based on whether we repented of our sin, turning to Christ for forgivenes­s or whether we continued on, in our sinful state and rejected God’s offer of reconcilia­tion. Yes God is Love, but forced love is not real love. God is a gentleman — He won’t force himself upon anyone. Salvation is available to all, if only we would believe in the Christ and repent of sin. So in summary, God is interested in stopping these (sinful) events and will one day do so — that’s called Judgment Day and an eternal determinat­ion of address in his court. Eternity is really just one’s free will going on forever. As tragic as these events are in Florida last week, it’s really just another example of the sinful human heart. This isn’t a gun control issue, evidenced by the first murder recorded in the Bible when Cain killed Abel with a rock. The heart of the issue is the human heart. Paul Butler Valencia

An alternativ­e for parking

There seems to be a lot of planning for the upcoming parking structure at College of the Canyons. Where will the students park? Offsite with shuttles, etc? Why not use Rockwell Canyon which runs adjacent to COC? There is plenty of parking right there.

The speed limit would have to be lowered and some of the bike lanes restriped. This would be a temporary measure until the structure is completed. Even though there is a cost to re-striping this street, adding signs and crosswalks, it would be far cheaper and more convenient for the students than shuttles. Andrew Nadeau Valencia

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