The Signal

Newhall to review discipline policy

- By Christina Cox Signal Staff Writer

Throughout the school year, the Newhall School District continuous­ly updates is methods and approaches to student discipline, according to Newhall Governing Board President Phil Ellis.

“Student discipline keeps getting reviewed when it comes to best practices, of course,” he said. “One of the things we always look out for is bullying… Discipline is something we’re always reviewing.”

Currently, the district does not have an overall approach to discipline and allows each school to create its approach to discipline in order to create a positive students environmen­t for each campus community, according to Ellis.

In addition to reviewing policy, the district and the Governing Board annually reviews the disciplina­ry actions taken at each of the district’s 10 schools as a result of various student offenses.

At Tuesday’s regular meeting, the Governing Board is expected to review this data for the 2016-17 school year.

Overall, 81 students committed a total of 109 offenses during the school year, according to the agenda item. Of these offenses, 89 resulted in out-of-school suspension, 20 resulted in in-school suspension­s and none resulted in expulsions.

The most common student offense throughout the district was from causing, attempting to or threatenin­g to cause physical injury. During the school year, 52 students committed this offense, which was an increase from 25 students in the 201516 school year, but a decrease from 62 students in the 2014-15 school year.

The second most common student offense was the use of force or violence. During the school year, 20 students committed this offense, which was a decrease from 24 in 2015-16 school year and from 21 in the 2014-15 school year.

Other student offenses included six instances where a student possessed an imitation firearm, six instances of bullying, five instances of disruption or defiance and five instances of the possession, sale or furnishing of a firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object.

The school year also included four instances of property damage, sexual harassment and obscene acts, profanity and vulgarity, and one instance of harassment or intimidati­on.

There were no reported instances of robbery or extortion, hate violence, harassment or intimidati­on of a witness, or the possession, use, sale or furnishing of a control substance, alcohol or intoxicant.

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