The Signal

U.S. Congress should make relief permanent


The first year of the Trump administra­tion saw remarkable accomplish­ments on both tax and regulatory relief, with fundamenta­l tax reform for the first time in decades and the massive regulatory onslaught of the Obama years stopped and reversed. With wages rising and the economy strengthen­ing, the most important priority for Congress in 2018 should be to lock in these historic accomplish­ments.

As it stands now, nearly all of the tax relief for individual­s is scheduled to expire in 2025, due to Senate rules that imposed a procedural constraint on the process to avoid a Democratic filibuster. The hope and expectatio­n was that the expiration would never take place - but President Trump will not be president in 2025, and although Obama agreed to make most of the Bush tax cuts permanent, he did so only after a tense showdown and a last minute “fiscal cliff” deal.

Republican­s need to make crystal clear to the American people that the tax cut expiration exists only because of Democratic intransige­nce. A vote on making the tax cuts permanent this year would deny the media and Democrats the criticism of the tax reform bill that the relief is temporary.

Equally important to the improvemen­t in economic sentiment over the past year has been the sea change in the regulatory environmen­t. The biggest, most expensive rules imposed on the U.S. economy by Obama have been or are in the process of being reversed.

President Trump signed an early executive order calling for agencies to eliminate two old rules for every one new one, and in the first year his administra­tion outperform­ed that by an order of magnitude – eliminatin­g 22 old rules for each new rule. An analysis by the American Action Forum found that a remarkable 81 percent of regulatory costs imposed in calendar year 2017 were imposed during the three weeks of January that Obama was still president.

Unfortunat­ely, just as Trump was able to reverse the regulatory onslaught of the Obama years, there is presently no structural barrier to the next Democratic president putting all the growth-stifling regulation­s of the Obama era back in place – and worse.

To make regulatory relief permanent, Congress needs to pass the Regulation­s from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act, which would require economical­ly significan­t regulation­s to be sent to Congress and approved by a majority in the House and Senate before they could take effect. That would stop the pendulum swinging sharply back to hyper-regulation, while allowing sensible, beneficial regulation­s to move forward subject to public accountabi­lity through the legitimate legislativ­e process.

REINS has already passed the House and has passed committee in the Senate, but has not been scheduled for a floor vote because of the threat of a Democratic filibuster. It presently has no Democratic cosponsors because Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who used to cosponsor the bill, curiously no longer does. But can Manchin really face West Virginia voters taking the position that the next Democratic president should have a free hand to relaunch Obama’s war on coal?

The House should pass and send to the Senate a new bill – call it the Tax and Regulatory Relief Permanency Act of 2018 – that includes the REINS Act as well as provisions to make all of the Trump tax cuts permanent.

The Senate should bring it to a vote and put Democrats facing reelection in Trump states to the ultimate test: do they lock in the tax and regulatory relief that is crucial to the economic prosperity of their constituen­ts, or side with their obsessivel­y anti-Trump donors and the chattering classes?

The result would be either very good policy or, if Democrats block it, a moment of clarity for voters.

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