The Signal

Trump announces Wilkie will remain at head of VA

He’s been acting leader since firing of Shulkin

- Donovan Slack and David Jackson

WASHINGTON — President Trump announced Friday that he will name Robert Wilkie, the acting head of the Department of Veterans Affairs, to fill the post full time.

Wilkie, who has led the VA since Trump fired David Shulkin by tweet in March, comes from the Pentagon, where he is undersecre­tary of defense for personnel and readiness. He previously served as assistant secretary of Defense during the George W. Bush administra­tion.

“He doesn’t know this yet,” Trump said during a White House event. “I’m sorry that I ruined the surprise.”

The president said Wilkie “has done an incredible job at the VA.”

When he became acting secretary, the VA put out a statement hailing his leadership in uniting everyone at the agency around shared goals after a tumultuous few months, when Shulkin had been feuding with a group of top political appointees.

“Under Acting Secretary Wilkie’s leadership, senior VA officials are now on the same page, speaking with one voice to veterans, employees and outside stakeholde­rs, such as Congress and veterans service organizati­ons, and are focused on a number of key priorities in the short term,” VA press secretary Curt Cashour said.

Trump’s announceme­nt comes at a critical time for the agency. The VA struck a multi-billion dollar deal this week for a new electronic medical record system, and legislatio­n to pave the way for a major overhaul of VA health care is set to pass the Senate next week. Trump is expected to sign the bill into law before Memorial Day.

The details of the overhaul — how it is implemente­d and rules governing when veterans can get VA-funded care in the private sector — will be up to Wilkie, if he is confirmed as the next secretary.

During an appearance in the White House briefing room on Thursday, Wilkie said the bill will make it “much easier for our veterans to obtain care that they need at the moment that they need it, in homes and in facilities closest to where they live.”

He also thanked the president “for providing me the opportunit­y to serve America’s veterans.”

Trump’s last nominee to take the post, White House doctor Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, withdrew after a Senate probe uncovered numerous allegation­s of misconduct.

Wilkie has already been confirmed to his current Pentagon post by the Senate, so going through vetting to take over the VA could be smoother.

Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., chairman of the Senate VA committee, said Friday that he has enjoyed getting to know Wilkie during his time as acting secretary and working with him on the overhaul legislatio­n.

Montana Sen. Jon Tester, the highest ranking Democrat on the committee and the leader of the probe that derailed Jackson’s nomination, said he has a “good working relationsh­ip” with Wilkie.

Veterans’ groups also issued generally positive reviews of the Wilkie pick.

 ?? CHIP SOMODEVILL­A/GETTY IMAGES ?? Robert Wilkie’s appointmen­t at the VA is viewed favorably by key leaders in Congress.
CHIP SOMODEVILL­A/GETTY IMAGES Robert Wilkie’s appointmen­t at the VA is viewed favorably by key leaders in Congress.

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