The Signal

Mueller’s probe


As the days press on in the Mueller investigat­ion the Republican­s are calling for a conclusion to this most important investigat­ion about the Russians interferin­g with the 2016 election.

The Republican­s’ fear is that the longer the investigat­ion goes on more wrong doings will surface.

The Republican­s’ fears are well founded and rightly so because Mueller’s investigat­ion has uncovered a multitude of wrong doings.

The consensus is that Mueller is very methodical, concise, careful and deliberate in his ways of investigat­ing.

Mueller hasn’t even hit the tip of the iceberg or “the iceberg cometh,” which shows great concern for those who don’t believe so far of all the corrupt findings.

Mueller’s investigat­ion has been short lived in comparison to other government investigat­ions. As attested to: Iran-Contra 2,420 days of investigat­ion

Watergate 2,223 days of investigat­on

Now we have the Mueller investigat­ion only one year out, and it is moving much faster than the other investigat­ions as described above.

Details from grand jury witnesses offer more perks for Mueller.

Republican­s are pressing hard to end the investigat­ion and in doing so are only adding more fervor to the fire, which is in Mueller’s favor.

Lois Eisenberg


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