The Signal

Video Alert

- By Richard Roeper

ANNIHILATI­ON (Sci-fi thriller, R, 115 m., 2018). In this bold and innovative sci-fi horror thriller from the director of “Ex Machina,” Natalie Portman plays a biologist venturing into a mysterious environmen­tal disaster zone to find her missing husband. Her work here rivals her Oscarwinni­ng turn in “Black Swan.” Rating: Four stars.

GAME NIGHT (Comedy, R, 100 m., 2018). When the Game Night Max (Jason Bateman) usually hosts with his wife (Rachel McAdams) is commandeer­ed by his cocky brother (Kyle Chandler), the merriment quickly spins out of control. The movie runs a little long, but there are more than enough laughs and clever surprises in this broad and sometimes violent farce to warrant a recommenda­tion. Rating: Three stars.

THE 15:17 TO PARIS (Action drama, PG-13, 94 m., 2018). In recreating the 2015 Paris-bound train journey in which passengers subdued a heavily armed gunman, director Clint Eastwood cast the real-life heroes as themselves, and the amateurs come across as such. Though there are a few pulse-quickening moments, the movie is slow-paced and feels padded. Rating: Two stars.

BLACK PANTHER (Superhero action, PG-13, 140 m., 2018). Even if you’re not normally into the superhero genre, if you appreciate finely honed storytelli­ng, winning performanc­es and tons of whiz-bang action sequences and good humor, then you should see “Black Panther.” It’s one of the best times I’ve had at the movies this decade. Rating: Four stars. FIFTY SHADES FREED (Drama thriller, R, 105 m., 2018).Last in S&M-sprinkled trilogy of slick trash with newlyweds Ana (Dakota Johnson) and Christian (Jamie Dornan) eventually leave the sexy stuff behind and fall into a combo platter of cheesy, easily solved mystery-thriller and overwrough­t daytime soap opera melodrama. Rating: One star. 12 STRONG (War action, R, 130 m., 2018). Chris Hemsworth plays the leader of the real-life U.S. Special Forces team that helped take out key Taliban and al-Qaida stronghold­s in Afghanista­n after 9/11. But with a running time of two hours and 10 minutes, the action-packed but clicheridd­led adventure has at least 20 minutes of scenes that are either unnecessar­y or repetitive. Rating: Two and a half stars. HOSTILES (Western, R, 133 m., 2018). Christian Bale is at the laserfocus­ed top of his game (and perfectly cast) as an Old West soldier escorting a freed Cheyenne chief (Wes Studi) and his family to their ancestral land. The brutal violence is not for the faint of heart, but “Hostiles” winds up being about having a heart in a world that seems almost without hope. Rating: Three and a half stars. DEN OF THIEVES (Crime action, R, 140 m., 2018). For the first hour or so, it appeared as if this Los Angeles-based heist thriller pitting badass sheriff’s lieutenant Gerard Butler against badass gang leader Pablo Schreiber would catch us off-guard in the best way. But just when things should have been heating up, the route grows bumpy and meandering and in some scenes drip-drip-drip SLOW. Rating: Two stars.

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