The Signal

Suits filed to help Brazilian boys separated from fathers

Both families sought asylum after threats

- Aamer Madhani USA TODAY

CHICAGO – Two children from Brazil who were separated from their fathers after they tried to enter the U.S. to seek asylum have sued the federal government over the Trump administra­tion’s “zero tolerance” policy meant to dissuade undocument­ed migrants from attempting to make their way into the U.S.

The boys, ages 9 and 15, who along with their fathers were detained in separate incidents last month at the Mexican border, were flown to Chicago and placed in the care of Heartland Alliance, an organizati­on that aids migrants, according to the lawsuits. They’ve asked the court to be reunited with their dads immediatel­y.

The separate lawsuits, both filed by immigratio­n advocates on their behalf in federal court in Chicago, describe the boys as fraught with fear and depression since being separated from their fathers weeks ago.

President Donald Trump signed an order Wednesday pledging the government will cease separating families detained at the borders, but his administra­tion has not clarified whether it will reunite about 2,300 children separated

from their parents in recent weeks, leaving children such as the two boys in Chicago in limbo.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on the lawsuits. Health and Human Services said that it was awaiting further guidance on the implementa­tion of Trump’s executive order.

“Reunificat­ion is always the ultimate goal of those entrusted with the care of unaccompan­ied alien children, and we are working toward that for those unaccompan­ied alien children currently in our custody,” Health and Human Services’ Administra­tion for Children and Families bureau said in a statement.

The 9-year-old, who is identified in court documents as C.D.A., and his father were detained on or around May 23 when they tried to enter the U.S. The two fled Brazil because the father owed $10,000 to an organizati­on engaged in human traffickin­g and didn’t have the money to pay them. Their intent was to seek asylum in the U.S., according to the lawsuit.

“Because he cannot pay this debt, he fears that if he is returned to Brazil, he and C.D.A. will be forced to work for the organizati­on in indentured servitude,” according to the lawsuit. “(The father) does not believe he and his son could be safe anywhere in the country, as the group controls many people throughout Brazil. (He) could not go to the police for protection, because he believes the police will only help people with money.”

After two days of being held at a border facility, officials told the father that they would be separated for three to five days but was assured they’d be reunited, the lawsuit alleges. C.D.A.’s father – who is still being held at the Cibola County Correction­al Center in Milan, New Mexico – has been unable to speak to the boy since they were separated.

Family in Brazil who have spoken to the boy report that he is “very scared, sad, and desperate to be reunited with his father,” the lawsuit says. The fathe maintains that they would be in dange if they returned to Brazil and is awaiting a credible fear interview with the U.S immigratio­n officers, an early step in the asylum process.

The older child, identified in cour documents as W.S.R., and his fathe were told they would be separated fo “two or three days, five at most” and that they would then be deported, the lawsuit says. Instead, the father is being held at West Texas Detention Facility in Sierra Blanca, Texas, and W.S.R. is in the care of Heartland Alliance in Chi cago.

The two say they were seeking asy lum in the U.S. after “the boss of a drug traffickin­g mafia threatened to kill them. The drug boss believed that the two provided police with informatio­n that resulted in his arrest.

“From their one phone call, (the fa ther) reports that W.S.R. is extremely unhappy and upset and is desperate to be reunited,” the lawsuit said.

 ?? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? A guard in Tornillo, Texas, closes a gate as advocates try to visit children Thursday.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES A guard in Tornillo, Texas, closes a gate as advocates try to visit children Thursday.

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