The Signal

Santa Clarita Misses the Mark on Homelessne­ss Prevention


I salute the goals for the city to help the homeless and prevention of homelessne­ss! However, so far, in my view, the city has not shown much enthusiasm or effective ways to curb homelessne­ss.

I do have experience with prevention of homelessne­ss; one family at a time. Homeless prevention is a very resource-intensive effort, particular­ly with the recent high rent increases in Santa Clarita.

Yet, prevention is still less costly and traumatic than being a homeless family and trying to regain independen­ce in a stable environmen­t. (Ask Family Promise). In addition to numerous struggling single mothers with small children, there is also a large number of disabled women on fixed incomes who need regular subsidies with utilities, food and often times rent.

Of course, the real problem is: Why are these mothers single and have multiple children and no father in the picture and no financial support?

I chuckled when I read “increasing income” as one of the goals. How can the city talk about increasing income when it does not even match the L.A. County minimum wage?

Also, instructin­g the people on how to get public assistance is not a permanent solution but only makes them dependent on it. Most of the homeless know more about these services than we do! Public assistance is for those who have disabiliti­es, etc., and cannot work. All others need jobs!

Also keep in mind that many of the homeless come to Santa Clarita from other areas.

I hope that it will not just remain a plan but will indeed bring some solutions.

Hilmar Rosenast Stevenson Ranch

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