The Signal

Don’t Let the Liars and Cheaters Influence Your Vote for Congress


Being as we are less than a month away from the Nov. 6 election, political ads have inundated our mailboxes and plastered local billboards — in particular, ads that make false claims and are intended to deceive whomever happens to see them.

Rep. Steve Knight has recently become the target of such ads, which claim he is actively working to undermine protection­s for patients with pre-existing conditions. In light of recent legislatio­n Knight has introduced in Congress, these claims are at once negligent and false.

Knight introduced H.R. 6898, the Maintainin­g Protection­s for Patients with Pre-Existing Conditions Act of 2018, to protect those with pre-existing conditions while Congress attempts to lower the cost of health care and the federal courts continue to challenge the constituti­onality of Obamacare.

Many families have painfully discovered that the “Affordable” Care Act did not make health care as affordable as it purported, as evinced by more expensive premiums and co-pays. Obama’s legislatio­n has also faced legal challenges for overreach since it was passed in 2010. But despite these issues, Knight has taken steps to preserve important protection­s for at-risk patients.

While Knight’s opponents spend thousands of dollars to spread lies, he is working in Congress to address the concerns of people in our community. These opposition groups would have members of Congress like Knight, who write legislatio­n to address issues and do their job, cast out of office in favor of a status quo that has seen our health care costs skyrocket over the past several years.

Do not let coordinate­d disinforma­tion campaigns influence your vote. Do not let left-wing special interests malign the good work being done for our community. And most importantl­y of all, do not forget to send the liars and deceivers packing by voting Knight for Congress on Nov. 6.

Quinn Wallace


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