The Signal

Missing an S in Wilk Column


While I agree with 100 percent of the fiscal policy suggestion­s by our own Sen. Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita (“Newsom, Say No to Waste in Sacramento,” Nov. 10), I am compelled to point out a spelling error in his suggestion to stop wasteful spending on the high-speed rail project. He misused the word loses, which should have been “losses.” I cannot help myself because I am the son of an English teacher, and it is in my genes. Thomas Oatway Valencia

Editor’s note: You are right, sir. Sen. Wilk did, in fact, omit an S from the word “losses,” and in the editing process, I, the editor, missed it, so both Sen. Wilk and I failed to see the missing S. I wonder if that’s because Governor-elect Gavin Newsom’s fiscal policies scared the S out of us both?

America’s Pastime and Greed

Now that the World Series is a fading memory, I’d like to talk about just one aspect of America’s favorite pastime — greed.

The well-known quote by the late P.T. Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” was a reference to circus patrons, but today it is a perfect reference to the folks who file in to our major league stadiums.

Oh, those poor suckers!

Good grief! Just realize that star players are making $8 million or $9 million, even $10 million a year, and even average players are making a million, and you have to ask yourself: Why does a fan have to pay an arm and a leg for a ticket? The answer, of course, is greed! Greed on the part of the players and of course the owners. Who knows how much they rake in.

My goodness, don’t you think the player making $10 million could manage to get by on $9 million? Couldn’t all the players and the owners take a little less so the fans could get a break at the ticket counter? Of course they could, but they won’t because of greed.

It’s the worst part of the game, but it will be with us again on opening day. Richard Myers Valencia

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