The Signal

What Happens to Trumpism Now?

- Steve and Cokie ROBERTS

Now that Democrats have won the House majority by a slim margin, what happens next? Their power to shape legislatio­n will be limited, but that’s not the whole story.

Democrats now take over the chairmansh­ip of every House committee, and that means more money to hire staff and conduct investigat­ions; more power to hold hearings, summon witnesses, ask questions and demand answers. The single most important change can be summed up in one word: subpoena.

Thanks to a rule passed by House Republican­s, committee chairs can issue subpoenas without consulting minority members. And for months, Democratic leaders have been assembling a list of targets, just in case they took command.

It’s extremely important for Democrats to handle their new power carefully and responsibl­y, otherwise it could blow up in their face and hand President Trump a prime issue. Former Democratic congressma­n Henry Waxman, who ran the Oversight Committee when his party last controlled the House, stressed that point in a pre-election interview with the Washington Post.

“Any investigat­ion that looks like it’s just a political witch hunt or for partisan purposes will not be credible,” he warned. “If subpoenas are issued wildly and it’s not clear what they’re getting at, I think the Democrats would open themselves to attacks from President Trump.”

The president sharpened that threat, warning Democrats that the Senate could investigat­e them for leaking classified material. “Two can play that game!” he tweeted.

Still, at the top of the Democratic list are Trump’s tax returns, which he has refused to release in defiance of longstandi­ng practice by presidents of both parties. The White House would almost certainly resist the Democrats’ request, but the resulting court battle would only reinforce a ringing battle cry for the next campaign: “What Does He Have to Hide?”

Another key target: records relating to Trump family business dealings with Russian oligarchs. Rep. Adam Schiff of California, due to become chairman of the Intelligen­ce Committee, wrote in the Post: “There are serious and credible allegation­s the Russians may possess financial leverage over the president, including perhaps the laundering of Russian money through his businesses. It would be negligent to our national security not to find out.”

Waxman suggests Democrats focus on a critically important issue that has gone largely unnoticed in a capital consumed by daily tweets and tempests: Trump’s campaign to overturn regulation­s of all sorts. He’s gone after regulation­s that protect consumers from fraud, voters from discrimina­tion, public lands from exploitati­on and rare wildlife from extinction.

As Waxman told the Post, this oversight “will draw attention to the failure of people in this administra­tion to enforce the laws that are on the books, which have very legitimate and essential purposes behind them.”

The most inflammato­ry issue, of course, is impeachmen­t, and left-wing red-hots are already demanding the president’s head. But at least for now, the case for removing Trump is pretty weak.

That could change once special counsel Robert Mueller issues his report, especially if he accuses the president of obstructin­g justice. But as Republican­s learned when they tried and failed to remove Bill Clinton from office, voters do not look kindly on politician­s who seek to overturn the results of an election, unless the evidence is airtight and overwhelmi­ng.

On the legislativ­e front, the most likely outcome of the election is even more paralysis, but a few areas of agreement are possible. One is an infrastruc­ture bill, since lawmakers from both parties love to spend money and don’t seem the least bit concerned about the deficit.

Two other issues commanded some bipartisan support in the last Congress, and could return to the agenda in January: a measure to protect Mueller from being fired by the president, and legal status for young immigrants who came to this country as children but remain undocument­ed.

The single most important result of the election, however, might be symbolic. Trump himself said, “In a certain way, I am on the ballot.” And in a certain way, the man who prizes winning above all else clearly lost.

The Democrats’ victory was a vote of no-confidence in the president, a repudiatio­n of a campaign laced with fear and falsehoods and a deep dent in his myth of invincibil­ity as his 2020 re-election campaign begins. “One election won’t eliminate racism, sexism or homophobia,” Barack Obama noted on election eve, “but it will be a start.”

Trumpism, in all its insidious and incendiary forms, has dominated our public life for too long. The elections last week could mark the beginning of its decline.

Steve and Cokie Roberts’ commentary is distribute­d by Andrews McMeel Syndicatio­n.

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