The Signal

Frank Ford



Frank Ford, a lifelong educator and active community member of Santa Clarita, passed away at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital on December 4, 2018. Born January 15, 1928 in %DNHUV¿HOG RQ WKH HYH RI WKH *UHDW Depression; Frank grew up on a cotton farm in West Texas with his younger siblings Margaret, Billy, 0DU\ DQG *OHQQD 8SRQ JUDGXDWLRQ from Texas Tech, the wide-eyed farm boy embarked on a long career in education. Frank married Lena *RRGVRQ DQG UDLVHG WZR GDXJKWHUV LQ Muleshoe, Texas. Job opportunit­ies called him back to California, where his two sons were born. The family settled in Newhall in 1966, where Frank served as an elementary school principal and, after earning his GRFWRUDWH DW %<8 VXSHULQWHQ­GHQW IRU the Sulphur Springs School District. A dye-in-the-wool FDR Democrat, Frank enjoyed discussion­s on politics and the environmen­t. He was amiable by nature and could strike up a conversati­on with anyone. His daughter Laura preceded him in death. He is survived by his wife Lena and his children Linda of Newport Beach, Jim of Minneapoli­s, and Rob of Los Angeles.

The family will hold a private service at Eternal Valley Memorial Park in Newhall, where they will lay him to rest. The Signal, December 8, 2018 Sign the Legacy online guestbook at

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