The Signal



Q: How many years has “Modern Family” been on the air? When will its last season air?

— A.R.

A: “Modern Family” began on ABC in 2009 and quickly became a huge hit. Last year, creators of the sitcom hinted that the current season, its 10th, would be “Modern Family’s” last. They said it felt right to conclude it after a decade. More recent reports hint that they’re giving it one last go-around. Julie Bowen, who plays Type A mom Claire Dunphy, told “Entertainm­ent Tonight” that the cast was approached by the network about doing another season next fall, and that she and her fellow cast members gave a resounding yes. Bowen said with ABC buying FOX, “there’s a lot of behind-the-scenes action that has to happen at FOX. There’s an extra building worth of paperwork it has to go through.”

I definitely would count on another season of the Pritchetts and Dunphys.

Q: My wife and I have become big fans of the “Doc Martin” series, having watched all eight seasons. Will there be any more to the series? — C.N.

A: The British comedy “Doc Martin” has been around since 2004 with a new series (what we call seasons) released every two years. There have been eight series in total as of 2016. According to Buffalo Pictures, which produces the show, the next chapter will begin filming in 2019 with its star, Martin Clunes.

As you know, “Doc Martin” is about a socially awkward surgeon who suddenly develops a phobia that makes it impossible to practice his profession. As a result, he relocates to a small fishing village, where he’s greeted by many colorful characters, much to his dismay.

In 2015, it was reported that Marta Kauffman, who co-created “Friends,” planned to adapt “Doc Martin” into a new series with a new cast for American audiences. However, no further announceme­nts have been made, so it appears those plans have been scrapped. In a way, though, didn’t we already have a series with a similar premise in the form of “Northern Exposure”?

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