The Signal

To find the play, you must think of it

- By Phillip Alder

Groucho Marx said, “Although it is generally known, I think it’s about time to announce that I was born at a very early age.”

At least he was thinking. It is also an indisputab­le truth that if you do not think of the right bid or play, you will not make it.

What does South need to consider in this deal? He is in three no-trump. West leads the heart jack, and East puts up the king.

North, with that singleton diamond, was justified in using Stayman to try to uncover a 4-4 heart fit. When South denied a long major, though, North had to sign off in three no-trump, hoping that the diamond suit would not prove to be a fatal weakness.

South starts with eight top tricks: three spades, two hearts (given the lead) and three diamonds. He can establish three winners from the clubs, but must lose the lead twice while doing that.

Plunging forward, the original declarer won the first trick and played a club. But West took that trick, drove out the heart queen, won the next club and cashed his hearts to defeat the contract.

Declarer needed to do more thinking at a very early age — trick one. Suppose South lets East take the trick with his heart king.

If East has a heart to return, the suit must be 4-2, and declarer will lose only two hearts and two clubs. Here, though, East will presumably shift to a diamond. Then declarer has the control to end with an overtrick, not an undertrick.

Always take your time at the birth of the play.

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