The Signal



* Buy an extra gift and wrap it, just in case you have forgotten someone. If you pick something gender-neutral, you could keep it for yourself.

* Keep a small bottle of white vinegar by your washing machine. Douse the underarm of T-shirts with the vinegar to remove antiperspi­rant stains and to deodorize shirts just before washing.

* “When you go to the pool, make sure you take a sealable baggie to protect your cellphone. You can use the touchscree­n through the plastic, and it’s less likely to get wet. However, this doesn’t take the place of a sealable water bag if you’re going IN the water.” — G. in Virginia

* Cover metal belt buckles with a couple coats of clear nail polish to keep them from getting scratched up.

* This is an old-school trick for help threading a needle: Use a spritz of hairspray on your fingertips, and bring thread to a point. It stays nice and stiff for threading.

* According to the experts from REI, here’s a double-duty tip for your Nalgene water bottle. After helping you stay hydrated all day hiking, fill your bottle with hot water just before you retire for the night, and pop it down in the bottom of your sleeping bag after sealing well. It’s a nice bit of warmth for your toes!

* “We recently went tubing, and here’s a genius thing we saw: A laundry bag was secured to a small ring float, which was tied behind the other tubes like a little caboose. It held canned drinks and water bottles. The water kept them super cold, and empty cans went right back in the bag, zipped securely away.” — C.W. in Florida

* If you use cold water to clean all of your clothes, you’ll save about $40 a year in electricit­y costs. Your clothes will last longer too. And consider a clotheslin­e for air-drying items like towels and sheets on nice days. That saves electricit­y as well.

* “I just filled a nick in my wood floor with a brown crayon. It totally works. I just rubbed it into the mark, and then used a soft rag to work it in. You can’t even tell where it was. I thank my dad for this tip.” — C.L. in Arizona

* You may have heard this before, but some people don’t believe it: Skip the fabric softener on your towels, because while it does make them soft and fluffy, it also takes away their efficiency at absorbing water over time. If your towels don’t dry like they used to, double wash them — one cycle with hot water and added baking soda (which also destinks them) followed by another hot water cycle with only vinegar. It’ll do the trick!

Send your tips to Now Here’s a Tip, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

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