The Signal

Castaic board to discuss air units, i-Ready and school safety plans

- By Caleb Lunetta Signal Staff Writer

The Castaic Union School District governing board is set to discuss replacemen­t air units, an online assessment program and school site safety programs during their Thursday night meeting.

Upon removal of existing make-up air units for the locker rooms at Castaic Middle School, the units were determined to be old and in need of repair, according to district officials.

In the original design, they were scheduled to be reinstalle­d and district staff requested an estimated cost to have new units installed and discard the older units.

The cost to the district will be $52,341 and taken from Measure QS. Measure QS was a bond propositio­n passed in November 2012 that authorized the district to borrow $51 million.

The board will also likely approve one-year site licenses for all four district schools for i-Ready and accompanyi­ng profession­al developmen­t. i-Ready is an online program that creates curriculum and programs around student learning while also ensuring “teachers have the tools they need to ensure students are on the road to proficienc­y,” according to iReady’s website.

The cost to the district will be $87,000 from the General Fund Local Control and Accountabi­lity Plan Base.

The board is also scheduled to review and approve the school site safety plans for all four district schools. The California education code requires school districts approve safe school plans each year.

The regular meeting for the Castaic Union School District is set to begin at 6 p.m. in the district office located at 28131 Livingston Ave. in Valencia.

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