The Signal

Taxpayers’ League Taking Shape


A lively session of the Taxpayers’ Protective League was held at the Honby school house Friday evening.

Two of the deputy assessors were present, one of them, Mr, Knowles, being the man who set the values of the land. Supervisor Wright arrived shortly after the meeting was opened. Among the property owners was Mr. Markwell of Los Angeles.

A propositio­n was submitted on behalf of Assessor Hopkins that a committee meet with him in January, and submit the name of a man from this locality, who would work with a representa­tive from the assessor’s office for the year 1930.

After discussion, this propositio­n was accepted, and the meeting proceeded to select a committee of one from each school district in the township.

A motion to consult an attorney in regard to the present tax levy was modified to the effect that an effort be made to have an attorney present at the next meeting.

Mr. Wright was called on, and addressed the meeting. He submitted figures showing the increase, and insisted that in comparison with the rest of the county, the valuation was not excessive.

After discussion, it was decided to hold the next meeting on Tuesday evening, November 26th, for further action.

At the meeting Tuesday evening, plans for organizati­on were still further discussed. Attorney Jefferson, of Los Angeles, was present and made a short talk on the legal aspects of the matter, stating that he considered the cost of litigation too high to advise any attempt to regulate the high valuations that way.

He endorsed the plan to work with the assessor for a lower valuation for the coming year.

Mrs. F.A . Wright was indorsed in her work of securing reforestat­ion a-long the highway.

The committee to present the petition for reduction of the present figures reported partially, Mr, Neel, stating that the findings in regard to the impossibil­ity of change of present assessment, made their work unnecessar­y.

Membership to the number of 48 were reported. Adjournmen­t was taken to Friday evening, December 6th, 7:30 o’clock, when a regular organizati­on will be made under the constituti­on and by laws, if possible.

It is desired that a very full meeting be held on that date. Anyone desiring to become a member should send his name to A. E. Tysall, secretary, at Saugus.

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