The Signal

Smith Mocks Garcia’s Service


California 25th Congressio­nal District candidate Christy Smith showed more of her true colors Saturday, April 25, in a live stream video with her constituen­ts. It’s clearly revealed, in a leaked video that she has, as of this writing, not commented on.

Smith spoke sarcastica­lly while laughing on the topic of opponent Mike Garcia being a “pilot.” She mockingly stated, “Did you guys know he was a pilot? ... That escaped me…”

Naturally, the crowd fell into line.

Mike Garcia possesses huge, remarkable accomplish­ments an Annapolis graduate in the top 3% of his class as well as a master’s degree from Georgetown University in national securities studies. He was an F-18 pilot protecting U.S. Marines on the ground in wartime and is an 18-year veteran. The utter disrespect she once again shows for this veteran, a former and forever military man, is despicable.

The highlight was Smith’s comment: “I texted my team, and I’m like, ‘OK, he’s got pictures of planes behind him. I’ve got constituti­onal law books — the irony.”

As an aside, Smith has been asked to respond to her comments by the Washington Examiner. Predictabl­e silence as to her anti-military appearance.

First, one has to smile at the “valley girl” tone, but most of all the fact she has constituti­onal law books as her backdrop is sincerely laughable. She is not even close to being a lawyer, let alone an accomplish­ed constituti­onal lawyer. Nor is there any mention she even reads them. My bet is, she doesn’t. At least Garcia flew his F-18 and knew it like the back of his hand.

Smith is unable to speak of the specific positives she’s promoted in the state Assembly seat she presently holds, but we sure know many of the negatives. One, she is trying to destroy charter schools; two, she did not fight for constituen­ts to erase the gas taxes and motor vehicle tax increases, and three, most recently supported Assembly Bill 5, which is devastatin­g California businesses and gig workers. AB5 is nothing more than a business-destroying union-pleasing endeavor.

Christy Smith tried to incite a boycott of a local small business in her own district over a personal vendetta; a boycott that was intended to destroy an employer. Ironically, she dreamed up a fairy tale of the old default, emotion-grabber “racism.” Yet here she is mocking a first-generation American of Mexican heritage.

You cannot make this stuff up.

The real question Smith promoted, from this tobe-secret video, to all voters is: Who do you want representi­ng you in Washington? Mike Garcia, with his education, honorable accomplish­ments and skills, or Christy Smith, who sits at a temporary desk with constituti­onal law books for photo ops behind her?

Betty Arenson Valencia

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