The Signal

Democrats Must Think Voters Are Stupid

- Patricia SUZANNE Patricia Suzanne is a profession­al writer, retired small business owner, and conservati­ve Republican activist. She was born and raised in the once Golden State of California. “Right Here, Right Now” appears Saturdays and rotates among lo

Attention voters: The Democratic Party thinks you are stupid, blind or possibly so full of hate for President Donald Trump and this country that you’ll believe in anything they and their cronies in the mainstream media put forth. No matter that it’s a total falsehood or a complete about-face from what they’ve said before.

Case in point — Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler.

After almost 100 days of unrest in Portland at the hands of left-wing agitators, some of whom have called for the “complete destructio­n of the United

States,” Wheeler has refused to quell the violence or even jail criminal offenders. In a recent press conference, he simply said, “Join me in denouncing all violence.” Seriously, Ted?

He then launched into tired left-wing deceptions, calling Trump “racist,” “sexist,” “anti-immigrant,” etc., despite the president’s relationsh­ips, policies and proven accomplish­ments to the contrary. He also blamed the president for all of the violence in his city.

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden, a few days later, accused the president of “stoking violence in our cities,” calling him a “toxic presence” and other smears I won’t quote here.

So, if Trump is the cause of this turmoil, why is all the destructio­n happening in Democrat-run cities where mayors refuse federal assistance to suppress rioting, looting, arson and brutality? And why was not a SINGLE word uttered about this chaos during the Democratic National Convention? And Dems are hoping you’ll forget the Kamala Harris tweet back in June, wherein she encouraged an effort to raise bail money for arrested Minneapoli­s rioters. Lovely.

Left-wing news outlets CNN and MSNBC have been virtually mute about the mayhem. It seems they turn off their cameras when night falls or bury footage of angry mobs. After all, “mostly peaceful” protesters don’t blind police officers with high-intensity lasers, beat up people carrying American flags, throw bricks and Molotov cocktails, break windows to steal merchandis­e, or burn down businesses in their own neighborho­ods.

But there’s been a recent shift in their news coverage. They’ve decided to show the destructio­n…and blame it on Donald Trump.

MSNBC host Joe Scarboroug­h, after ignoring or excusing almost 100 days of violence in Portland, decided to speak up after a shooting death there last weekend. Scarboroug­h tweeted, “If they can’t control their streets and keep their citizens safe from agitators and anarchists, then call in the National Guard. This has to stop now.”

Why the change of perspectiv­e, Joe? The answer — a shift in the polls. Independen­t voters, it seems, agree with President Trump’s law-and-order stance.

CNN’s Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo are turning anti-riot, too — not because they care about American citizens or small businesses, but because all this violence is polling bad for “their” party. Said Cuomo, “I think it probably represents the biggest threat to the Democratic cause.” Could you be any more transparen­t, Chris?

Every major leftist movement throughout history has been totalitari­an by nature.

Today’s Democrats reveal their totalitari­an procliviti­es by favoring big government programs – “Medicare for All,” welfare expansion, suffocatin­g regulation, higher taxes, the “Green New Deal,” etc. Individual liberty be damned – it’s all about the “collective.”

Democrats also express their authoritar­ian leanings when they shout down conservati­ve speakers on college campuses and verbally assault (and even physically attack) conservati­ves in public spaces. For leftists, there is no debate of ideas because they quash intellectu­al challenge with brute force just as all autocrats just watch the videos of Black Lives Matter supporters assaulting Republican­s simply walking down the street after the RNC: Frightenin­gAttacks.

Sad to say that a certain segment of the American populace, to guide their voting decisions, will turn on ABC’s “The View” (no, I’m not kidding) or take advice from their favorite celebritie­s or even profession­al athletes. Of course, what they will hear is emotion rather than facts, informatio­n that will likely be not only incendiary and unreliable, but also deliberate­ly dishonest.

Are you on the fence about the presidenti­al race? Here’s a quick question:

What do the following groups have in common? Antifa, Democratic Socialists of America, gun confiscati­on advocates, the Deep State swamp, social media giants actively censoring conservati­ve voices, Black Lives Matter Global Network (a Marxist organizati­on), Hollywood elites, open borders activists, and the Chinese Communist Party. Answer: They all support the Biden/Harris ticket.

If these groups don’t reflect the America YOU WANT, then it’s time to vote for conservati­ve candidates up and down the ballot. As the billboard on Railroad Avenue reads, “Had Enough? Vote Republican.” (Look for it right next to the Saugus Cafe.)

And when your ballot arrives in the mail, ignore the deceitful slick mailers you’ll undoubtedl­y receive. Instead seek out an official Republican voting guide for all candidates up and down the ballot, plus judges and propositio­ns. Contact the SCV GOP:

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