The Signal

A Wave of Political Corruption

- CALMATTERS COLUMNIST Dan Walters’ commentary is distribute­d by CalMatters, a public interest journalism venture committed to explaining how California’s state Capitol works and why it matters.

When FBI agents swooped down on the state Capitol threeplus decades ago to cap an undercover sting delving into pay-to-play corruption, Assemblyma­n John Vasconcell­os was incensed about the invasion of “my house.”

Vasconcell­os, who died in 2014, wasn’t a target of the investigat­ion, nor should he have been. But his “my house” reaction to the “Shrimpgate” investigat­ion revealed a common mindset of veteran politician­s. After years in office, they tend to view their positions as personal possession­s, rather than as temporary opportunit­ies to serve their constituen­ts.

That possessive attitude sometimes manifests itself in corruption. Legislator­s and other politician­s make decisions with immense financial consequenc­es and some rationaliz­e that they are entitled to shares of the bounty.

Campaign contributi­ons are a semi-legal way for those who benefit from political decisions to express their gratitude, but they can backfire legally if there is some overt quid pro quo. During the Shrimpgate investigat­ion, Capitol politician­s were ensnared for demanding both campaign money and personal payoffs from undercover FBI agents seeking legislatio­n to benefit a fictitious shrimp processing company.

So-called “behested” payments are another. Interest groups curry favor by making “contributi­ons” to politician­s’ favorite charities that sometimes employ the politician­s’ relatives, as CalMatters writer Laurel Rosenhall has detailed.

There are limits on direct campaign contributi­ons, but none on behested payments. Belatedly, the Fair Political Practices Commission is promulgati­ng new disclosure rules.

The federal indictment of Los Angeles City Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas alleges another wrinkle in the corruption game. Ridley-Thomas, who has jumped from office to office for the last three decades, is accused of helping a University of Southern California administra­tor obtain hefty county contracts in return for getting his son, Sebastian, a no-cost graduate degree and a full-time faculty position.

The elder Ridley-Thomas was a county supervisor when the alleged transactio­n took place. His son is a former state legislator who resigned in the midst of a sexual harassment investigat­ion.

California has seen something of a corruption surge in recent years. One former Los Angeles City Council member is already serving a federal prison term for corruption and another is awaiting trial.

Indictment­s of officials and political players in the small communitie­s on the periphery of Los Angeles are so common that they scarcely raise an eyebrow. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon calls his Los Angeles County district a “corridor of corruption.”

The Shrimpgate scandal fueled a successful drive to place term limits on state legislator­s, in theory discouragi­ng perpetual political careers that breed arrogance and corruption. However, there have been several corruption cases since, including a state senator convicted of involvemen­t in an internatio­nal gunrunning scheme.

That legislator, Leland Yee, represente­d San Francisco, which is experienci­ng another corruption scandal.

Mohammed Nuru, the city’s former public works director is, as the San Francisco Chronicle summarizes, “at the center of a widespread federal corruption case that has linked city officials, contractor­s, nonprofit groups and others in a web of alleged bribery and fraud. The former public works director was arrested in January 2020 for allegedly attempting to bribe an airport commission­er. His case is still pending in federal court.”

It’s not uncommon for members of the public to declare that all politician­s are crooks. They aren’t. Most are sincere and honest, whether or not one agrees with their actions.

However, there is corruption and it flourishes most often when there is no meaningful political competitio­n, when politician­s believe that they own their positions and are entitled to pieces of the action, and when the watchdogs are not watching closely enough.

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