The Signal

Today in history


Today is the 119th day of 2022 and the 41st day of spring.

Today’s history: In 1429, 17-year-old Joan of Arc led French forces in relieving the besieged city of Orleans, France.

■ In 1862, Union forces officially took possession of New Orleans.

■ In 1945, the Dachau concentrat­ion camp in Germany was liberated by U.S. troops.

■ In 1992, riots broke out in Los Angeles after four police officers were acquitted of using excessive force during the arrest of motorist Rodney King.

■ In 2011, Great Britain’s Prince William and Kate Middleton were married in London.

Today’s fact: Daniel Day-Lewis is the only actor in history to win the Academy Award for best actor in a leading role three times.

Today’s sports: In 2015, the Baltimore Orioles and the Chicago White Sox played the first zero-attendance Major League Baseball game. Fans were not allowed to attend due to violent protests in Baltimore.

Today’s quote: “I don’t want to hear more specials. If they’re so special, put ‘em on the menu.” -- Jerry Seinfeld

Today’s number: 19 -- age of Joan of Arc at the time of her death.

Today’s moon: Between last quarter moon (April 23) and new moon (April 30).


William Randolph Hearst (1863-1951), publisher/politician; Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), orchestra conductor; Duke Ellington (1899-1974), jazz musician; Dale Earnhardt (19512001), race car driver; Jerry Seinfeld (1954- ), comedian; Daniel Day-Lewis (1957- ), actor; Michelle Pfeiffer (1958- ), actress; Andre Agassi (1970- ), tennis player; Uma Thurman (1970- ), actress.

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