The Signal

SCV Democrats Object to Cho’s Actions


The Santa Clarita Valley Democrats’ executive board released the following statement regarding recent actions from Democratic candidate Annie Cho’s campaign:

The Santa Clarita Valley Democrats executive board is deeply disappoint­ed to learn that state Assembly candidate Annie Cho has accepted contributi­ons from a Chevron-affiliated political action committee and that Cho’s campaign is spending donors’ hard-earned money on attacking fellow Democratic candidate Pilar Schiavo.

Assembly District 40 has faced numerous environmen­tal disasters and challenges, including the devastatin­g Aliso Canyon gas leak and continuous pollution from the Chiquita Canyon Landfill. It is because of this history and our concern for our community’s future that we are worried about Cho’s campaign accepting donations from a Chevron-affiliated PAC, especially after she signed the No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge to not take contributi­ons over $200 from oil, gas and coal industry executives, lobbyists and PACs.

We are also concerned that Cho would spend critical campaign funds attacking a fellow Democrat in the Assembly District 40 race. Instead of using those contributi­ons to help ensure voters make it to the polls or inform voters about the Republican incumbent’s failure to adequately represent constituen­ts’ values in Sacramento, Cho’s campaign has demonstrat­ed that her priorities lie not with empowering voters, but rather with tearing down her Democratic opponent.

These disappoint­ing choices made by Cho’s campaign reaffirm our members’ vote to endorse Pilar Schiavo in this race. Schiavo has always been an independen­t voice for the issues she’s spent her career working on, including ensuring all California­ns receive the health care they need. She’s not afraid to stand up to politician­s of both parties and defend our most vulnerable neighbors. That’s how we know that we can trust Schiavo to unapologet­ically, boldly fight for Santa Clarita’s working families in Sacramento.

Chair Andrew Taban, Vice Chair Jackie Thomas Board members Mai Nguyen Do, Brett Haddock, Gina Kaufman, Rachelle Lyman and Kat Walker Santa Clarita Valley Democrats

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