The Signal

Floating Somewhere in the Middle


Although I come from a Republican family and myself used to be a Republican, I have had to withdraw my loyalty and allegiance to conservati­ve causes because so many of them are out of touch with contempora­ry realities. However, despite being a Republican “apostate,” I could not stomach Democratic causes enough to switch over to their side. Thus, I found myself floating somewhere in the middle of the two, but a supporter of neither.

As a child we are often born into circumstan­ces, and sometimes thrown into them, by the sheer force of existing family loyalties. It’s like when I once asked a devout Mormon (or it could have been a Jehovah’s Witness) who was trying to pull me over to their faith, I asked him, “Were you born into this or did you convert from something else?” As children we are impression­able and slide very easily into what might simply be a family tradition, and so it stays that way until we become adults and have enough experience to start looking around and questionin­g things like traditions, as in, “Do I really agree with everything they do?”

And so it was with me and Republican­ism. The more I saw of it the more I disagreed with a lot of it... not ALL of it, but enough of it to be unable to continue calling myself a Republican, or even a conservati­ve. And yet, I couldn’t call myself a Democratic or a liberal, either. So, what was I? To my astonishme­nt I discovered I was a little bit of both. Sometimes I felt the liberal approach presented the best solution to a problem and likewise with the conservati­ve approach. There is, it would seem, no such thing as a “one size fits all” when it comes to dealing with life.

I have not redefined myself so much as I have actually, and finally, “defined” myself, and for the first time in my life.

For example, I support same-sex marriage, the right for a woman to abort her pregnancy for any reason, and the decriminal­ization of drugs (ALL drugs). On the other hand, I support regulated (but unrestrict­ed) gun ownership, that is to say I don’t care what you buy as long as everyone knows you bought it. Also, I don’t want my tax dollars spent on

ANY kind of social programs — period. I am NOT my brother’s keeper, and if YOU think YOU are then YOU reach into YOUR pocket to subsidize someone else’s life. Emma Lazarus can take a long hike off a short pier. We didn’t come here to be “taken care of” by those who came before us. So, I would add a box on the IRS’S 1040 tax return form that, if checked, would prohibit your taxes from being spent on social programs. Pretty simple to do, really. Sort of like a “line-item veto.”

Some people would call me a Libertaria­n, but I think that brand carries too much “weird” baggage, like I’m a hippie or something. I prefer the term “Demo-publican” — I just made it up right now, and it accurately implies an amalgamati­on of the two sides, cherrypick­ing their virtues while dumping their vices, and they both have both.

Is this just a bit too complicate­d to process? We’re not ready for this. Are we? I actually think it’s more “progressiv­e” than a progressiv­e. Think about it. I see it as our long-term future, if we survive to have one. Arthur Saginian

Santa Clarita

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