The Southern Berks News

Celebrate our nation’s birthday in historic style

Event honors Revolution­ary War troops

- The Daniel Boone Homestead

The Daniel Boone Homestead is getting ready to commemorat­e the nation’s birthday on Saturday, July 2.

Attendees of the Independen­ce Day event will learn about the types of troops who fought for America’s freedom during the Revolution­ary War such as the militia, Continenta­ls, and Riflemen.

Usually held on the Fourth of July, Anne Goda says the Homestead is regularly closed on Mondays so they moved the event to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Different kinds of Members of the 1st PA Regiment will be on hand to explain their role in the Revolution.

Guided Boone House tours will be offered regularly throughout the day, as well as blacksmith­ing and gun building demonstrat­ions. There will also be plenty of activities for children, including a militia muster activity, colonial toys and games, and crafts.

Youngsters will get a chance to be “recruited” into the local militia as officers drum up for volunteers to fight the British. The new “recruits” will be taken through authentic eighteenth century military drills and marches with wooden dummy guns.

Our volunteer blacksmith will be in his shop making iron work used in the military and on the home front.

Visitors can also observe our town’s gunsmith hard at work producing the arms necessary for the American Revolution and take a tour of the Bertolet Log House.

Admission for the Independen­ce Day Program is $7 for adults (16+) and $4 for children (4-15).

Please leave your dogs and other pets at home and refrain from smoking in the historic area.

This program is sponsored and run by the Friends of the Daniel Boone Homestead. Don’t miss this unique experience and fun for the whole family.

Bring a picnic lunch and plan to spend the whole day exploring the Homestead site.

 ?? SUBMITTED PHOTOS ?? Attendees of the Independen­ce Day event will learn about the types of troops who fought for America’s freedom during the Revolution­ary War such as the militia, Continenta­ls, and Riflemen.
SUBMITTED PHOTOS Attendees of the Independen­ce Day event will learn about the types of troops who fought for America’s freedom during the Revolution­ary War such as the militia, Continenta­ls, and Riflemen.
 ??  ?? Youngsters will get a chance to be “recruited” into the local militia as officers drum up for volunteers to fight the British.
Youngsters will get a chance to be “recruited” into the local militia as officers drum up for volunteers to fight the British.
Above left, Blacksmith­ing is will be among the demonstrat­ions on July 2. Above right, members of the 1st PA Regiment will be on hand to explain their role in the Revolution.
SUBMITTED PHOTOS Above left, Blacksmith­ing is will be among the demonstrat­ions on July 2. Above right, members of the 1st PA Regiment will be on hand to explain their role in the Revolution.
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