The Southern Berks News

Divine help needed to end political gridlock

- —Lee Hallman Gilbertsvi­lle

The problem at our Southern border seems to have reached gridlock in Washington. Playing politics seems to have preempted governing.

Evidence is that there are those who at one time supported the building of a wall now oppose the building of a wall. There are certainly a lot of good people in our nation’s capitol, but no one is perfect. Neither political party has a monopoly or righteousn­ess.

And it seems like party loyalty is more important than American unity. Those in both parties are Americans, elected officials who swore upon entering office to uphold the Constituti­on, which is the same for both parties. Disagreeme­nt is expected, just like in every home in our nation, but that calls for compromise, not for argument; for seeking solutions, not making accusation­s.

Who is right? Which party is right? Who is always right? My answer to that, and I believe true history tells us that our predecesso­rs in government agreed that God is always right.

In the big picture, the war is a spiritual one that began even before the human race came into existence. How do I know? The source that tells us is the Bible, the book that at one time was the foundation for our system of public education: it was during my public school career.

Every morning, I started my school day with the teacher reading a passage from the Bible. In essence, when the Supreme Court declared Bible reading to be unconstitu­tional over 50 years ago, they removed the Moral Authority from the training of most of our youth.

The result is that many, if not most, government leaders do not see the Bible as the Absolute in determinin­g right from wrong, and wisdom from ignorance. God is the Mediator who determines

the right way to solve disputes, not a political party. Our Founders understood that when they settled their heated disputes in the Constituti­onal Convention. They approved a motion by Benjamin Franklin to begin sessions with Bible reading and prayer.

The big picture is the war between God, the Ruler of Light, and Satan, the ruler of darkness. If we want light, it is in the Bible; yes, the Book that once was the foundation of the training of all youth in the United States.

You may not believe the Bible, but it doesn’t hurt to see what it says. There is nothing wrong about seeing what the patriarchs and prophets, the apostles, and Jesus Himself had to say. They gave descriptio­ns of what the Bible calls the last days, the world condition at the time when God decides to send His Son back to earth: this time not to be a crucified Savior, but

a reigning King over God’s earth.

Jesus said in Matthew 24 that in the last days before His return there would be, among other things, a culture of hate, wars and rumors of wars, intense earthquake­s. One apostle gave this descriptio­n in II Timothy 3: perilous times, loss of natural affection, despisers of those who are good, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, ever learning but not able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Sounds like a pretty good descriptio­n of our day even though written a couple thousand years ago.

Hey Republican­s! Hey Democrats! Hey America! Listen to God! Like our Founders did! They ended their gridlock, with Divine help. How about if we ask God to help us find a solution instead of defending a position.

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