The Southern Berks News

First Amendment rights can’t be ‘wrongs’

- Gene Policinski

When do our First Amendment rights become “wrongs?” Well, when it comes to exercising your rights of free speech, assembly and petition in Tennessee, be careful. Setting up a up a tent for an overnight stay during a protest could land you in prison for up to six years.

A new law signed quietly into effect on Nov. 5 by Gov. Bill Lee changes the “crime” of overnight camping on state property without a permit — aimed at deterring protesters who have done that — from a misdemeano­r to the much more serious felony. It also provides for stricter penalties and minimum jail terms for such clear threats to the republic as drawing in chalk on state property or interrupti­ng legislator­s or local officials who are in a meeting.

In recent years, police have resorted to “sweeps” during demonstrat­ions that operate on the theory of “arrest all and sort them out later,” sometimes taking into custody non-protesters simply walking to lunch or shopping. The Volunteer State’s new anti-protest law — advocates call it “criminal justice reform” — requires a magistrate’s interventi­on to gain early release for anyone sooner than a mandatory 12-hour minimum stay behind bars.

A move in states to silence public protest began about a decade ago, around the time of the “Occupy” movement. The latest Tennessee statute was sparked by demonstrat­ors who set up camp in Nashville’s War Memorial Plaza for nearly two months this year while seeking removal of a bust of Confederat­e Gen.

Nathan Bedford Forrest, first leader the Ku Klux Klan, from the state Capitol building.

By some reports, as many as 40 states have considered or adopted direct or backdoor attempts modeled on a draft law prepared by a conservati­ve alliance of legislator­s and corporatio­ns to restrain public protest. Some proposals include providing legal immunity for motorists who — essentiall­y absent a declaratio­n of intent to injure or kill — strike demonstrat­ors standing in a public thoroughfa­re.

Such laws can chill free speech in ways seemingly distant from the 45 words of the First Amendment. Being convicted of a felony also may mean forfeiting the rights to vote, carry a gun or obtain a profession­al license and negatively can affect your ability to get a job or obtain a mortgage.

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis recently proposed not only felony charges on protestors, but also penalties on cities and towns deemed not to be taking appropriat­e law and order measures in response to demonstrat­ions. If enacted – and if the provisions survive court challenge – Florida would have the harshest anti-protest laws in the nation.

U.S. Supreme Court decisions stretching back more than 140 years have upheld our rights to assemble and petition. In 1937, the US. Supreme Court ruled unanimousl­y in De Jonge v. Oregon that that the right to peaceably assemble “for lawful discussion, however unpopular the sponsorshi­p, cannot be made a crime.” And in 1939 the court held in Hague v. Committee for Industrial Organizati­on that streets and parks “… have immemorial­ly been held in trust for the use of the public and, time out of mind, have been used for purposes of assembly, communicat­ing thoughts between citizens and discussing public questions.”

Ten years later, Justice William O. Douglas, in Terminiell­o v. City of Chicago, wrote that free speech is intended to “… invite dispute. It may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfa­ction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger … It may strike at prejudices and preconcept­ions and have profound unsettling effects as it presses for acceptance of an idea.”

More recent court rulings echo Douglas in acknowledg­ement that protest is inherently disruptive, may well be offensive or cause anguish to some, but is protected because of a need for “robust” public discussion around public policy and practices.

Yes, democracy is messy — and public demonstrat­ions at times may well inconvenie­nce, insult or infuriate you and me. But legislativ­e acts designed to restrain, remove or chill our rights to protest are not just unconstitu­tional, but also unpatrioti­c.

As James Madison, author of the First Amendment, once observed about the new nation: “The censorial power is in the people over the government, and not in the government over the people.”

Gene Policinski is a senior fellow for the First Amendment at the Freedom Forum, and president and chief operating officer of the Freedom Forum Institute. He can be reached at gpolicinsk­i@freedomfor­um. org, or follow him on Twitter at @genefac.

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